The Solution to Our Energy Crisis



Audioholic Samurai
awawadad said:
This is a retared thread. Make some cool ones please noobs. Like Lost: Season 2! On DVD
ok lets talk about lost season 2 on dvd.

you start.


Setting up a viable public transportation system is vital to conserving the ever decreasing supply of petroleum.

At the present, viable public transportation system only exist in big cities like NYC, Boston, etc. I am from NYC, so I know one can get by without having a car. It is a bit inconvenient, especially for shopping, but you can definitely get by without having a car in NYC.

Not so in the rest of this country. In a lot of places you would be stranded without a car.

Instead of riding cars, people should really start riding bicycles, or those small bikes with motors on them. And the government should initiate drastic changes in city planning, with supermarkets, grocery stores, retail stores, schools, churches, etc. relocated much closer to residential areas, so people can actually walk to those places instead of having to ride in a car. Having all these places scattered all over the place over such long distances is frankly illogical and wasteful.

The government should really start investing in building an electric train system nationwide like that of Japan's. The subway cars in NYC are old and probably not very energy efficient. We really have to start to make serious investment in those high speed electric trains. Railroads is still by far the most fuel efficient way to travel over reasonable distances.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
awawadad said:
This is a retared thread. Make some cool ones please noobs. Like Lost: Season 2! On DVD asssss
"wassss once a man! Onssse a maaaaan! waaasssssss!"


Audioholic Samurai
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
So far there are no easily portable energy sources that can completely replace petroleum (electric-hybrids, biodiesel, gasoline-ethanol blends, etc all require petroleum fuels in part).
Biodiesel by definition contains no fossil fuels. There are many petro-blends that currently make biodiesel blends more marketable, (such as ethanol 85 or 90), but the real goal is to mass market pure biodiesel that is cheaper than gasoline


Am I missing something here? You only need use 15 gallons of fuel to make 85?

Law of conservation of energy anyone?
yes the energy comes from the organic waste. So yes you need 15gallons plus the waste products which contain energy.

So it seems to not be going as well as planned but it is making oil from turkey parts. The technology does work. Nothing is perfect right away. IMO that is a big step.


What energy crisis??

Living in wonderful Calgary, Alberta ( aka Oilberta ) all I can say is...what energy crisis?? :p

The petro-bucks flowing around here these days are starting to make the Saudi's blush...:cool:

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