I know I have been bad about keeping this up to date, however the work continues! I will just dive right into the pics.
We had the drywall in the laundry room re-done since it was a mess. Here is the before
Apparently I don't have the "after" picture, so I will have to add that later. It looks a LOT better than it ever did though, and just one more little project ticked off the list.
I did a ton of work on the never ending bar project, and I can finally say its done!!!! I am going to write up the epic journey with that nightmare over the weekend though. That project took quite a bit of time since the last post. It was a massively dust making project, so it needed to be done ASAP so we can be rid of all of the dust making!
I also ended up doing a lot more patching, because I am crazy. I can still find more to do, but at some point you need to call it good enough, so I am. Here are some filler pics of, well, filler
After painting all of those, and doing them all over AGAIN (most for the 3rd or 4th time)
Man, looking back... Im nuts

Anyway, that is the bulk of it. I am pretty happy with how it has turned out in the areas I reworked. Seeing how much time and effort I had to put into it though I can see why they were left how they were. Not that it was completely unacceptable before, but I am just really picky so I went for it.
Speaking of which, that got me started on yet another project

These book cases were built by the previous owner, and as nice as they are they were finished like garbage. So I pulled off the crappy trim, sanded down the drippy flat paint, and smoothed off the edges (and blended the joints).
All ready for paint! I also ran some screws into the studs instead of the drywall, and counter sunk them so they are now hidden and its more secure.
The wife putting on the first coat of white.
After the first coat of paint, and before trim
Here is a shot the wife got of them all done, and loaded up.
Next up on the list is the wood under the bar. I didn't want just bare drywall under there, so I decided some stained birch would look nice and hold up better. Here is the board after we stained it.
After this we put on two coats of semi gloss polyurethane, and then installed it under the bar.
You will also notice the missing floor!
You can see the trim on the bar, ready to be cut and installed. First pieces installed
I had to get a little creative around my return air vent. I have a plan, hopefully it works
Last night the wife went around and filled all the nail holes, while I caulked the edges and the corners. Here is a little before and after with the caulk.
This was how we left it last night.
Today we need to sand a couple areas of the trim, and touch up the paint over the nail holes. Get a second and third coat of black on the doors. Speaking of which, here is the finished side of those.
Carpet is coming tomorrow, and I cant be more excited!!! I will have more pics tomorrow once that is done, and I got some gear moved in. I will get pics with my actual camera tomorrow, assuming I can find my charger. Well that is enough for now, as always thanks for following along!