That's a tough one. Here's a couple of ways to narrow it down to a component (if it's a component).
I'd try disconnecting the cable box completely from the tv, wall, and receiver. Now try switching inputs on the receiver. If it still pops and hums, then you know it's not the cable box (usually seems to be the culprit). Next, disconnect the turn table from the wall and receiver. Test the receiver again. If that's not it, then try the DVD recorder by unplugging it from the wall and receiver. Finally, if you have a sub, disconnect it from the wall and receiver. Try switching the inputs again. If nothing improves, my guess is it's either your receiver, or your electrical wiring in your house. You may benefit from an inexpensive power conditioner. Some other items in the house that could cause interference are reostats (dimmers for lighting and fans), A/C units; washers, dryers or large electrical appliances kicking on, and even living near an airport - believe it or not. I had a 60 cycle hum with a powered sub I bought. I called the company and they sent me a new amp and it corrected the problem. It's most likely more than your wiring.