The HK receiver arrived yesterday. Yow! You young'uns will snicker no doubt, but the transition from a 30+ year old Dynaco preamp to this monster is like going from a model T to an X-wing fighter! Adjusting the volume without having to get my lazy butt out of the seat...what a concept! Hey, my handle isn't a pun on Rip Van Winkle for nothing.
Seriously, one nice feature of the remote is how easy it was to config it to work with my Pioneer DV-563A.
Looks so nice I won't have to airbrush flames on the sides!
I don't think it mixes drinks...but maybe I just haven't found that feature in the manual yet...

But I will have to buy or build a phono preamp for my TT and old vinyl. A small price to pay for progress!
Because I have a line-level passive EQ circuit to correct for my speakers' dipole bass roll-off I'm running my speakers thru the Adcom power amp via the HKs preouts for now.
I'm still only in two channel stereo of course. But that will change.
Next step: DIY dipole powered sub.