The journey of a hundred posts...



Audioholic Jedi
begins with a single keystroke.

Well, it is time for me to depart my home of the past few months and begin the long trek across central Asia on my way to Sparta. The way will be cold and difficult, but its challenges will help me to focus and complete my preparations to become a true Spartan. I look forward to rejoining Mazer after his transformation last month, and to meet up with MDS again after a very long time. There is, of course, some sadness in leaving my fellow ninjas and this place that I've called home, but I cannot deny the pull that Sparta has on me.

And so, the journey begins...


Leaving the far east? I guess you have been there long enough..Congratulations on almost being a sparten.......


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, Jamie. Yeah, I've been there a while. Became a Samurai last year, got disgraced and fell back to Field Marshall, left and wandered the country side for about six months, then came back to regain my Samurai title and begin my training anew.

BTW, congrats on the eleventh chicklet! I didn't catch that when it happened. Most excellent, man!


You are going to have to train fast. You don't have much longer Grasshopper...:D


Audioholic Jedi
I hear ya. I'm frantically creating a database of funny pictures and organizing them according to topic and date. :D

J/K. I figure that Sparta already has MDS and Mazer for the heavy lifting. Every society needs an underachiever to help the others feel better about themselves. Hmmm. I think that I just found my niche, and with over 90 posts left. To avoid the irony in that, I'll only become an underachiever once I get there.


Audioholic Jedi
I can always delete a whole bunch to give him more time if needed. :D
See above, Dave. I'm ready...I'm ready! No deleteee the postees, please. If I have to go back to Japan, I'm going to have to explain myself to a certain fair lady (and probably also to her powerful father) - and I'd reaaaally prefer to not have to do that.


Audioholic Warlord
At the rate your posting. You'll only be a Spartan for about a week. :eek:


Audioholic Spartan
I hope you brought a warm coat. If you have already begun your journey westward, you're probably approaching Nepal right now. Dress warm.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, Dave. I am wearing only light garb so as to better prepare for the harshness of the Spartan lifestyle. If my mind can remain strong and focused, then the cold will mean nothing. In other words, I'm going to be freezing.

Excellent speculation on Nepal! Had I taken that route, then I would be very near there. However, I decided instead to make my way north through Mongolia. That region has always intrigued me, and even more since I saw a documentary that tracked the genetics of the Amazons to a nomadic tribe living there. A wondrous land.

I was making excellent physical progress this morning, but I have taken a break this afternoon to make some much needed mental progress. The plateaus here are truly spectacular and offer an excellent backdrop for meditation.


Audioholic Warlord
Here is proof. Audioholics had to find out how you do it. So they hired paparazzi to follow you. :eek:


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