In the company of so many esteemed 'should-be-listened-to's, I will tread carefully ....
One should consider that THD +N is usually stated as a % of the relevant output, which means that at low output the artifacts can easily be below threshold of hearing; calculation of absolute values will mostly show that.
Then I invariably find an extra frown coming on when the effect of cross-over distortion is still mentioned in these days. I would think that with any kosher design that would be eliminated automatically, rather like more than adequate frequency response comes automatically when taking care of other parameters. In practice one can see the cross-over distortion disappear into the noise level as the standing current is increased, as Steve alluded in his post #14. (In my own 80W design it has gone long before my optimal level of 75mA q. current for the power stage is reached.) In that sense, while I have no problem with first-watt arguments, I must agree with Irv (post #8) regarding the importance of the first watt performance per se.
Then I can also support the stance of Peng (post#23) regarding the importance of what THD consists of. Particularly with ss amplifiers, members will probably know about threatening high order harmonic products and their effect. I myself concentrate on the elimination of these as first priority in my own design work. (It is often revealing to what extent these still exist in otherwise lauded designs, as shown up in test graphs in eg. Stereophile.)