The second installment (Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). This one was very good also. Not quite as deep of a story as the first; sort of laying down a further progression of the story and it is still a good one. Again, it kept me interested the whole time like the first did, and it is easy to get involved with the main characters. Going into it knowing that the third is coming means this one does sort of have a "Empire Strikes Back" feel to it, in that they intentionally leave you hanging, and that is sort of bittersweet. Can't wait for the next one
PQ and AQ are both good on this one - not among the top teir, but good. The story is so interesting that if there were any issues with PQ or AQ, I probably wouldn't have noticed on a first viewing
If you liked the first one, though a little slower than the first, this one was able to deliver also. Recommended.