Yes, absolutely transparent to the master analog tape even.
This leads to the bigger question... If the current state of digital recordings can capture everything that we can hear, then why is there a difference?
Well, now that is a lot you said there. Difference between what and what? What are we comparing. And, most likely how was that differences arrived at?
Don't forget, if you compare sighted, you have biase that cannot be turned off. If your levels are mismatched, there will be differences, of course, right? Easy to do.
As good as our audio systems are, there is still a difference between them and the real thing.
Oh, yes. Many factors for this. As WmAx mentioned, recording differences. playback venue is wholly different. The acoustics is different.
BUT, two channels just cannot capture a live event, not possible no matter who tells you that mythology and perhaps not even 5.1 can do it. You can only capture so much with a mic and play back with speakers.
However, we are not discussing differences between live and playback, are we???
I'm referring to a relatively simple task. A system that sounds as real as a single piano playing softly.
Still you have an acoustic space to be captured by the mics and reproduced in a different acoustiuc space. Again, that is not what we are discussing about differences. This needs to be a separate thread
I am aware that most of the problems lie with the speaker(s) and room acoustics. But I'm not willing to say that the recordings themselves are perfect.
Now we are talking
You are trying to capture a complex event and what one engineer may consider best, the other may not. Now we have artistic taste entering the picture
Nor am I willing to say that the players are perfect either.
What do you mean perfect? If you cannot audibly differentiate between them, what do you call that? What perfection are you after? 0 frequency variation? To how many decimal places? Same with the other specs.
You think a live event is perfect? Whose standards are you using? Whose yardstick? Yours or mine?
Why are different concert halls sound so different? Which is perfect???
Do you think CD and CD players are perfect (or are audibly transparent)?
Yes, to the recorded input signals only, not a live event.
If so, do you believe all our efforts should be placed in improving the mechanical aspects of recording and reproduction?
Yes. That is th emost difficult to date