I think the first Batman movies started out okay - at least the first one, then slowly progressed into various forms of stupidity and foolishness. It just became another big-budget Hollywood spectacle of sights and sounds, and totally inflated, hollow characters. What is gripping about the new movies, IMO, is their dark, gritty, seedy vibe - as believable as you can get considering you have a vigilante running around fighting crime in a bat-suit anyway. Even the heroes are shown to have a very human, very fault-ridden side, and Bale does an excellent job of demonstrating that Batman is indeed vulnerable to injury and pain, like any other human being. Ledger's performance as the Joker was
unparalleled, period. Blew away Jack Nicholson's version.
As for the first movies - by the time George Clooney took over the role, it just plain sucked. I would hate to see these follow suit, and start chasing dollar signs over maintaining a gripping saga and story-line, but I guess we'll have to see.