What am I, a hitman?

Save your money...just PM Mazer.
This thread was difficult to get all the way through, mostly just because it was long and I have a short attention span.

There was a lot of talk about rights. To quote Wikipedia because I agree with it, "rights are legal or moral entitlements or permissions." To me, rights exist only because people agree to let them exist. Therefore, rights change over time, and they are indeed based on the beliefs of people. I don't think that there is a fundamental set of rights - to life or even to existence. People can claim that there is, but I think that nature disagrees with that on a daily basis. The next cosmic impact that is large enough to cause an extinction level event is going to disagree with them in a big way.
My policy is to respect life - all life, not just human. I don't expect that same philosophy from others, but I do appreciate it.