My late father was a captain on the Norwegian BDS lines for many many years, he served a long time on international routes across the Atlantic and many places around Europe, so he's seen most of the oceans worth seeing, perhaps not the Pacific.
The last 10 - 15 years of service he was the captain on now what's called "Coastal Express", this now serves as very popular trip for tourists from all over the world, the largest contingent probably from US and Germany...
He told me that once, a winter night North of the Northernmost part of Norway, where you have the Barents sea up North, there was a Hurricane.... even in the worst weather, the route had to go on, and they just had to go out into the hurricane....
The seas were so rough and so demanding that it's hard to even comprehend afterwards, there was one wave so huge that it buried the whole ship, a 350 ft coastal liner being buried in the sea, the wave was so tall that the top was above the chimney.... making thousands of tonnes of steel twist almost to the point of breaking
My father was at the bridge, and he realized when the ship came out of the sea, he was at he port side of the bridge... he could look straight down onto the starboard side, down into the ocean...
The ship was heeling so much that it looked like the ship was at the "zero stability point".... not sure which way to go.... back up or around 180 degrees..... For your information, these ships do have a zero stability point around 60 - 65 degrees, so..... quite rough day

well, he made it back and told us this, like it was just another day at work for him...

He also served his duty in the Shetland Bus,barely twenty years old, along with other mates the same age, trying to protect the country and Europe from the Nazis, they used ordinary fishing vessels... because that's what they had.... fighting the most well equipped war machine at that point in time, and the nazi's were still unable to catch them....
Don't know if it's because the nazi's were very stupid or the Norwegians being very smart, perhaps a combination?
Courage is not even starting to describe what these men did back then...... They tried to sink Tirpitz from an ordinary fishing boat.... and almost succeded, torpedos missing by a small margin....
(Some of you may have heard some of this before, well it's my groundhog day)