Well, I'm certainly not here to endorse the ButtKicker. It does, however, "attach" in any variety of ways, whether to the couch or floor as I have stated before. The kit includes an amp, the buttkicker, a mount that attaches, surprise suprise, to the underside of the leg of a chair or couch, rubber furniture leg isolators, and some 12G wire.
Your crowsontech tes-100 is, from everything I'm told and have read, a very high-quality product. Based on your use of the crowsontech tes-100, I'm not surprised you would have had vibration issues with a full-spectrum signal. It does not use a piston at all, it uses a "transducer plate". I understand Crowson's claim that this is a more efficient use of power to produce the same desired result, but I would not compare the results one gets with the tes-100 with that of the ButtKicker. Regardless, I'll make a point of trying a full-spectrum signal (which is not my plan, I will be getting the whole kit) when I get mine, and I'll report back the results.
Well, again, my point was that I consider transducers worth the money and effort. That's pretty much it.