your fine.
the post's above are spot on advice,if your cable's show sign's of wear or you just want to change to a better cable then do so but to expect better performance from better cable's you will not accomplish an actual upgrade.
ive tried quite a few different big$ cable's against radio shack gold cable's with no benifit's what so ever,even the highly touted nordost line of cable's showed no sign's of improvement to my ear's or to my accoustic analyzer,some here question my method's of testing with an acoustic analyzer so dont take that comment as absolute truth but i have NEVER EVER heard one single benifit from cable's no matter the type of wire silver or other wise.
dont fall for all that break in time factor mumbo jumbo that the cable companies flood the market with either,as with most thing's in life first impression's will tell you much of the picture as it will with cable's.
if you want to upgrade then save fund's for an equipment upgrade or if you still want a different cable try some blue jean cable's or tributaries but unless you have cash to burn stay away from all the hyped up interconnect's & power cord companies.
i should disclose that i own & currently use tributaries cable's.
have a good evening