SVS PB10 vs. M/L Grotto: thinking of switching



Senior Audioholic
Just wondering thoughts on folks who have heard either, or preferably both. I currently own the PB10, but for one reason or another, I'm thinking I may want something else. One big thing is WAF. The little lady certainly does well endulging me and my home theater obsessing, but when I pulled that sub out of the box, I saw a glimpse of "oh he serious" in her eyes. So, I've been reading alot about the M/L's and everyone seems to rave about them. I went to Tweeter today and was pretty impressed with how small it is (in comparison to my PB10). I've noticed that my usage definitely has musical leanings. I do watch a fair amount of movies, which I know is where the SVS excels, especially when considering the price-to-performance ratio. But, now that I've determined that I'm probably 70-30 music/movies, and I've heard how musical the M/L's are, I'm considering selling the SVS and putting that money down on a Grotto. The specs seem fairly close; the PB10 goes a touch lower, the SVS has a 300W amp while the M/L has 250 (don't know how much that really matters...I've barely turned is up as I'm in a condo). So, just wondering what people thought about the possible switch. Just trying to get a gauge on whether it's a "no way, what're you doing...the SVS is clearly better" or if it's more like the two are pretty close, so why not go for the smaller footprint and thus, higher WAF. Thanks.


SVS's are excellent movie subs like you said, but if your ratio is 70:30 favoring music, than I'd probably get the M/L.
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I would have to agree, the M/L subs would have a much better WAF. Rather than see a big square black box. However, I like the black box ;) You should have no problem selling the PB10. Or is it still within your trial period? You had made it sound as you just got it. But if not, like I said you could sell it easily.

EDIT:: However, unless you get the Grotto at a great price, is it worth it?
Heck let her know, that you have saved a bundle by not going for a sub just for aesthetics. However, if thats a mood point. Just get the Grotto....


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Brian, wouldn't that be a "moot' point?

Would your wife consider an SVS cylinder? What type of price tag are you looking at on the Grotto?


annunaki said:
Brian, wouldn't that be a "moot' point?
DOH, yep. See the spell checker would not have picked that up. But Lets see, if shes in a good moot then she may go along with the purchase.....

Clearly mood-----------------

OH, also I know the Grotto retails for about 975.00


Senior Audioholic
Yeah, I know the price is a definite obstacle. There's a reason I picked up the PB10: price-to-performance. The Grotto is double from a store, but I'm looking it pick it up used on ebay/audigon. I've seen them anywhere from $650-$775. There's no way I could afford a brand new one.


Velodyne's SPL 1200 is now on closeout at many locations to make for the new SPL-R series. They have a very high WAF, will fit your budget and good performance to boot. Check the review on this site.

Eric Apple

Junior Audioholic
Have a Grotto

I like the Grotto alot. For music it's got the control. For movies it's got the low end. But, low end <20hz LFE tends to bottom out trying to reproduce the sounds. Problem shows up when doing maybe over 90db at 25hz and the freq drops down keeping about the same signal level (the sub doesn't have any usable output below about 22hz but it keeps trying and click, click, click). I like it cranked up, if you keep a reasonable bass level you won't have a bottoming issue.

In an apartment, the neighbors would have no problem hearing the sub at these levels. So, most likely it won't matter to you.

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