Just wondering thoughts on folks who have heard either, or preferably both. I currently own the PB10, but for one reason or another, I'm thinking I may want something else. One big thing is WAF. The little lady certainly does well endulging me and my home theater obsessing, but when I pulled that sub out of the box, I saw a glimpse of "oh boy...is he serious" in her eyes. So, I've been reading alot about the M/L's and everyone seems to rave about them. I went to Tweeter today and was pretty impressed with how small it is (in comparison to my PB10). I've noticed that my usage definitely has musical leanings. I do watch a fair amount of movies, which I know is where the SVS excels, especially when considering the price-to-performance ratio. But, now that I've determined that I'm probably 70-30 music/movies, and I've heard how musical the M/L's are, I'm considering selling the SVS and putting that money down on a Grotto. The specs seem fairly close; the PB10 goes a touch lower, the SVS has a 300W amp while the M/L has 250 (don't know how much that really matters...I've barely turned is up as I'm in a condo). So, just wondering what people thought about the possible switch. Just trying to get a gauge on whether it's a "no way, what're you doing...the SVS is clearly better" or if it's more like the two are pretty close, so why not go for the smaller footprint and thus, higher WAF. Thanks.