SVS PB-12 plus One badass sub

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Senior Audioholic
Guilty till proven innocent. Bummer.

Anyway, welcome to the site.


I owned my PC12NSD since March of this year and it is one of the best purchases I have ever made.
The sub Still Impresses me every time I turn it on!
It is no PB12 ultra but damn it really hits low when it needs to.
I love SVS subs, I Highly Recommend Them.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Well that's a seriously happy customer. I'm sure everyone can see why we were highly skeptical.
I own a pair of SVS subwoofers, and am not at all surprised that someone would be genuinely enthusiastic about them. They are, by far, the best I have ever owned, and I expect that the same is true of many other owners of SVS subwoofers. Just read the professional reviews, and you can see some enthusiasm with them, too.

I am so happy about my SVS subwoofers that I do not feel the need to upgrade, ever. I will only replace them if they are damaged in a move or otherwise fail, or if I need bass in a significantly larger room (which is doubtful), or I become quite rich (and even then, I might not bother upgrading).

So, I don't know why you guys thought the original post must be something other than what it purports to be. Maybe you guys need to get some SVS subwoofers and then you will understand.


Audioholic Spartan
I agree, I'm also a very happy SVS owner who likes to reccomend their products. Glad you like your new sub, they are fantastic aren't they.


After several months of exhaustive research on subwoofers, I finally made a decision.

But before I made a purchase I decided to travel to the facility and examine their shop and team.

SVS's facility is located in northern Ohio. I was very impressed a clean facility with lots of room. The team's pride in their product was very evident. I was able to watch a quality check of 20 subs getting ready for shipment. They were checking for leaks and abnormalities in performance..really moving each sub through a wide range of frequencies.

The operations manager also provided an excellent demonstration in their theater...I was blown away. SVS specializes in subs but they also manufacture a full line of speakers....not bad at all. But the bass was simply impressive. So I purchased one.

Most important to note THIS IS A BIG SUB! Be prepared to sacrifice some space. But it is well worth it. This sub truly goes subsonic it can rattle pictures off the wall while you can barely hear it. I was looking for a sub that went well under 20Hz and it clearly does it well.

It has a great menu of tweaks that is easy to operate. The sub also comes with foam plugs to tune the sub to the desired frequency including completing sealing the ports. This is an outstanding sub the really performs..I cant say enough great things about it. The cabinet, the wood, the grill (magnetic), the tweaks this sub has it all (except a remote).

If you have the money and the space BUY ONE you wont regret it.

welcome to the site !

and congrats on the new purchase !


Junior Audioholic
Ive seen numerous people post about SVS, but I have never heard them in person. I guess Im just trying to wrap my head around that $2000 price tag.

Im running dual A5-350s from eD right now and they are pretty nice themselves. Dig deep! I could get four of those for the price of ONE PB 13 ultra.

I guess what Im asking, Is the SVS subs really leaps and bounds above other ID sub companies? Epik, eD, Rythmik etc..


Audioholic Jedi
SVS is one of those companies who basically gave rise to ID subs in the first place. Prices are likely higher for a number of reasons, one being the new DSP amps, and they also mentioned that the price of magnets for the drivers has skyrocketted. The PC+ is $1200 and the PB+ is 1300, which is more, but not that much more than the previous Plus line.

And yes, the Ultra IS that good. Ridiculous output AND sounds clean doing it? Win-win.

Are they the only ones putting out great subs? No. Rythmik's subs are awesome too, but to achieve the same kind of output, you'll likely be looking at laying out about the same kind of cash.
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Audioholic Jedi
The PB 13 ultra is $1999.
Sure is, but the thread is about the Plus. The Ultra has about the output of two of them, so technically it cost less than buying two Plus :)


Junior Audioholic
Sure is, but the thread is about the Plus. The Ultra has about the output of two of them, so technically it cost less than buying two Plus :)
I understand that. Not being rude, but I wasnt looking at the lower models. They are still pretty pricey too.


Audioholic Ninja
Ive seen numerous people post about SVS, but I have never heard them in person. I guess Im just trying to wrap my head around that $2000 price tag.

Im running dual A5-350s from eD right now and they are pretty nice themselves. Dig deep! I could get four of those for the price of ONE PB 13 ultra.

I guess what Im asking, Is the SVS subs really leaps and bounds above other ID sub companies? Epik, eD, Rythmik etc..
Where are you finding the A5-350 so cheap? Here they are $800 plus shipping [Quantity Price (2+): $715 each plus shipping]:

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

The SVS PB13-Ultra is $1999 including shipping:

SVSound - Box Subwoofers

But I would save $300 and get the comparable PC13-Ultra for $1699 including shipping:

SVSound - Cylinder Subwoofers

Either you are finding a better deal than direct from the maker, or you need to work on your math skills, as you could get only two A5-350s for the price of one PB13-Ultra, not the four you claim.


Junior Audioholic
Where are you finding the A5-350 so cheap? Here they are $800 plus shipping [Quantity Price (2+): $715 each plus shipping]:

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

The SVS PB13-Ultra is $1999 including shipping:

SVSound - Box Subwoofers

But I would save $300 and get the comparable PC13-Ultra for $1699 including shipping:

SVSound - Cylinder Subwoofers

Either you are finding a better deal than direct from the maker, or you need to work on your math skills, as you could get only two A5-350s for the price of one PB13-Ultra, not the four you claim.
I got mine direct from eD for $1360 shipped. I meant you could get three A5s for the price of one pb13 ultra. sorry
Im not trying to start a flame war, I was just asking a question why they are so expensive compared to other ID sub companies.

Also, I dont appreciate the math skill comment. No need to be ignorant.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Where are you finding the A5-350 so cheap? Here they are $800 plus shipping [Quantity Price (2+): $715 each plus shipping]:

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

The SVS PB13-Ultra is $1999 including shipping:

SVSound - Box Subwoofers

But I would save $300 and get the comparable PC13-Ultra for $1699 including shipping:

SVSound - Cylinder Subwoofers

Either you are finding a better deal than direct from the maker, or you need to work on your math skills, as you could get only two A5-350s for the price of one PB13-Ultra, not the four you claim.
Shipping is also free with ED, provided you are conus.


Audioholic Ninja
Ive seen numerous people post about SVS, but I have never heard them in person. I guess Im just trying to wrap my head around that $2000 price tag.

I guess what Im asking, Is the SVS subs really leaps and bounds above other ID sub companies? Epik, eD, Rythmik etc..
I guess what it boils down to is, how important are infrasonics?

It's so easy to run out of headroom below 25hz.

If you go sealed, your determinants of output are cone surface area and LINEAR cone excursion, and getting to full excursion requires either high low end efficiency (difficult in a box). But anyone interested in sub 10hz performance has to make that tradeof there.

If you go vented, yes you can tune low at the expense of content below that tuning. Lots of vented subs are tuned in that pretty ~15hz region that hits a good dollar-to-performance ratio. You think, "I'm getting bass down to 15hz" and leave it at that. But it's not as easy as that. If a 12" driver is vented and flat down to such a low frequency, you just lost a TON of efficiency. It takes high mass to gain efficiency down low. So you need ""WATTS"" and you trade away upper bass impact. Else, you end up with a sloping response like the HSU VTF-15. Now in some rooms a sloping response can be desirable because of room gain, but in other rooms the room doesn't help you much and all and pressurizing it gets EXPENSIVE.

...And you STILL need excursion capability. A vent DOES reduce excursion demands near the tuning point, but if you're tuned low (IE 15hz) you're asking the driver to work hard above the tuning point (IE 21hz).

...and vents aren't magical. The more you ask out of the vent, the more air you need to push through it. If the vent is too small, at some point it becomes a limiting factor in output because deep bass needs the vent to move a LOT of air. What you end up with is just vent noises instead of increased output - a DSP signal processing sub might prevent you from hearing those noises though. If you make the vent surface area larger, getting the same tuning point means a longer vent - where you bring a quarter wave resonance of the vent tube closer and closer into the operating zone of the subwoofer, and you don't want that in its passband or really even under 150hz. So you also need a driver that tunes low easily. This comes back to the driver design and the tradeoffs involved with it.

If you look at these measurements of the Funkywaves 12.x subwoofer

Funky Waves FW 12.X Subwoofer Review Measurements and Analysis — Reviews and News from Audioholics

you'll see that even with a heavy 12" long throw driver fed 2000+ watts, it barely hits the 116db @ 1m @ 20hz mark. This for a 12" driver is fantastic performance and I doubt there's many other 12" subs that can match it. Even the PB12+ discussed in this thread, is excursion limited below 32hz:

SVS PB12-Plus DSP Subwoofer Measurements and Analysis — Reviews and News from Audioholics

Now movie reference levels can ask a sub to produce 115db peaks at the seating position(and that's for the few of us who DON'T run our subs hot). And discussed above, was only subs that barely get to that 20hz mark with good output. The next 5hz are what the PB13Ultra will get you.

SVS PB13-Ultra Subwoofer Measurements and Analysis — Reviews and News from Audioholics

... Just because a sub claims 15hz performance (and all of them always do), doesn't mean it can do it with the SPLs necessary to even perceive the frequency meaningfully. There's still lots of limits, whether you perceive them or not. The Epik Empire, for example, claims

Frequency response : 20-300 Hz +/-3.5 dB anechoic
True 15 Hz or lower in-room extension
Yet it measures:

Are they lying!? No! But they're not being entirely open and transparent either.

So is the PB13U worth what it costs? Every cent of it. Above 30hz, I think there's lots of subs that are just as good. But below 30hz, the ULTRA low frequency transducers are separated from the also-rans - even if you subjectively think your sub goes really deep... have you measured it?

...if you really want the ultimate system, you need to accept the need for

-no resonant alignments, because they don't have anything meaningful below their tuning. They are essentially dipole with the vent or passive radiator canceling the output of the driver which is essentially unloaded from any box loading. So they can't pressurize a room below their tuning frequency.
- no limiting. If your drivers are coming close to their limits on any source content, the only solution is more subwoofers.
- lots of surface area. at least 15" drivers... more likely 21" or 18" drivers. And they need LONG, LINEAR THROW. Displacement is the name of the game. Since there's no vent, transmission line, or passive radiator, you need a TON of displacement. Especially the lower you go in frequency.
- A LOT of power too, though a driver optimized for an infinite baffle can often work great. Remember, the rule of Small, Loud, Low = Pick 2 - so if you want loud and low, a "big box" can get you some real improvements in low end efficiency.
- A small, closed up room really helps, because of pressure vessel gain. If you've got a bomb shelter, you can save a lot of money trying to get an ultimate HT. If you've got a large, open room, pressurizing it gets expensive VERY quickly.
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Audioholic Ninja
I got mine direct from eD for $1360 shipped. I meant you could get three A5s for the price of one pb13 ultra. sorry
Im not trying to start a flame war, I was just asking a question why they are so expensive compared to other ID sub companies.

Also, I dont appreciate the math skill comment. No need to be ignorant.
Your math is still off. You simply cannot get 3 of those subwoofers for $1999.

Shipping is also free with ED, provided you are conus.
Okay, we are still at only two for the price of one SVS PB13-Ultra, with some money left over. Three would cost $2145 (with the quantity discount), which is more than the SVS PB13-Ultra. And for those wanting to save money, there is the comparable SVS PC13-Ultra for $1699:

SVSound - Cylinder Subwoofers

Cylinders are a better value, and I recommend them to anyone who wishes to save money. I also like them better, as they take up less floor space than the comparable box subwoofers, and are lighter and easier to grab onto, making them much easier to move.


Junior Audioholic
$680 x 3=$2040

O im sorry, a mere $40 more. Like i said, forget I asked about the SVS.


Audioholic Ninja
$680 x 3=$2040

O im sorry, a mere $40 more. Like i said, forget I asked about the SVS.
You are still wrong. It is $715 x3, not $680 x 3. (It is $800 for one; the $715 price is a discount for buying more than one at once.) So it is $2145 for three. See:

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

Where are you finding the A5 - 350 for $680?

If you are judging by an old price that you paid in the past, that is completely irrelevant to what someone must pay now. Look at the site and see for yourself that you cannot get them for $680 each:

Elemental Designs: Car Stereo, Home Speakers, Electronics

And you can get the different shaped SVS for $1699:

SVSound - Cylinder Subwoofers

It is the same woofer and same amplifier as the box Ultra; the difference is only the cabinet. With a cylinder, the curved shape is inherently stronger than with flat sides of a box, so thiner and lighter and with less bracing (which also makes it lighter and smaller for the same usable internal volume) is possible to achieve the same performance.

The reason someone might get the box version instead is if one has a problem with the shape or finish of the cylinder. Otherwise, one is wasting $300.


Junior Audioholic
I understand whats on the site, but do you walk into a place and pay whats on the sticker? If so you are very easy. I have never paid sticker for anything. This is not an "OLD" price, I bought these months ago. $680 each shipped to the door.

I dont have to justify anythng to you being you are very rude. I honestly dont care anymore about the intial question I had which was answered up top by someone more capable than you.
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