I accept that, and I accept that in countries not (yet...) 'westernised' there maybe an argument for having an armed population. I do not accept, however, that in the likes of the U.K. or U.S. that there is even the most remote chance of them becoming dictatorially run. I'm happy to accept that such a thing is
theoretically possible, but just not
realistically possible.
Sorry, but such arguments are, for me, lame.
You know Robbie, my father used to have similar ideas about the U.S. government. In particular he was fond of saying "The government wouldn't do that!" when any negative was imaged on the news or stated by me.
I believe you have a different world view that I, especially formed by your upbringing in the United Kingdom as opposed to the U.S. (Too many curtsies or bows of subjugation to the Queen?

) Perhaps
because of the circumstances of our country's founding, distrust of government is part and parcel of our U.S. culture...or should be for those historically challenged as was my father. Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, etc. etc. all believed that an armed society was necessary to preserve the interests of the 'people'.
A couple of hundred years ago, your country, "The British Empire" was a hegemonous, empirialistic dictatorship, not unlike the Soviet Union of the last century. But the Empire became to big, too unwieldy, and the Monarchy lost control...much like another dictatorship (more accurately an oligarchy) the Roman Empire.
I'll grant that the U.S. or England turning to dictatorships is unlikely, especially in the U.S. where we all have firearms. But it is certain...all you have to do is read any U.S. paper in any town in the country...that those who run the government often do so with greed, immorality, and with 'special interests' in mind. Have you heard the idiom "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."? No country is perfect. No government is perfect...far from it.
THAT is why our founding fathers established the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, ensuring a continuity of freedom from oppression.
If you think the above is a lame argument, take it up with King George III's bones...and blame it on the "Revolution".
EDIT: Or better yet, go ask some Irish separatists their opinion.