

Audioholic Ninja
Anybody doing anything remotely special or different for the Super Bowl?

It looks like I just might grill something. Though not a fan of either team, it just might be a good excuse to cook (not that I need one.)


Audioholic Chief
Just the family and maybe steaks beforehand. I thought Steven might hold a party but after you 'snubbed' him on New Years Eve nuthin' doing.:D
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Audioholic Ninja
Just the family and maybe steaks beforehand. I though Steven might hold a party but after you 'snubbed' him on New Years Eve nuthin' doing.:D
New Year's eve????? Man I was in the frozen tundra known as Canada with the cave-family there was no way in hades I could make it!


Audioholic Warlord
I explained this one year, I guess I'll have to do it again.

Every Super bowl, a large group of people in my neighborhood (30 or so) get together in my garage, and we raffle off a TV. Each person buys a ticket ($50-1 ticket, $75-2). The money is pooled and we buy a TV, and use the leftovers for food and runner up prizes. All the entries go into a bucket, and 1 by 1 peoples names are removed until there is only 1. Everyone watches the Super bowl on this TV out in my garage. The plus side is that I get to live with the TV until the big day.

This year it's a Phillips 42inch LCD (Not 1080p though...). Last year it as a 37inch Viewsonic LCD.



Audioholic Ninja
That's right Sheep now I remember, I thought that was pretty cool.
This year it's a Phillips 42inch LCD (Not 1080p though...). Last year it as a 37inch Viewsonic LCD.
Hey, you're either moving up, or the TVs are simply getting cheaper, lol. You need to advertise more! Get you up to a 50-inch plasma or something. I think cheaper ones are like $999 if you search hard enough...


Audioholic Samurai
Is there a game on this week-end?
For some reason I've lost interest.:mad:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Normally I would go to a party or host a party.... but for the each of the first 3 games of the Giants playoff run I have watched their game from home- unshowered, unshaven, and still in my pajamas. Guess what I'm doing this Sunday..... :D


Audioholic Samurai
Having a small get-together with the fellas from my office. It's a BYOB event, but the boss's daughter (who is an excellent cook) is providing the feast, so I'm looking forward to stuffing my face, and watching the game. :D

One of the other guys is hosting the party - sadly, my attempts began weeks ago to get him to upgrade his TV for Super Bowl, and he's older and just doesn't care about that stuff. So there will be no HD for me. :(


Senior Audioholic
Forecast says it will be raining here again in Southern Cali on Sat. & Sun. But we need it to get out from drought season. I guess I will barbequeing inside my house :confused:before kick off.


Audioholic Intern
I find that there is just about no better day to go skiing on, so that's where I'll be.

(sorry, never cared much for watching football. Actually, we don't have cable or satellite, and the antenna we hooked up at my dad's request garnered us 0 channels for viewing (not that that would last forever, anyway, the tv being pre-digital age). So there is not much hope of my watching the game at my house.)


Audioholic Ninja
I find that there is just about no better day to go skiing on, so that's where I'll be.

(sorry, never cared much for watching football. Actually, we don't have cable or satellite, and the antenna we hooked up at my dad's request garnered us 0 channels for viewing (not that that would last forever, anyway, the tv being pre-digital age). So there is not much hope of my watching the game at my house.)
Or by the sounds of it, any TV!:eek: No cable, no sat, non-working aerial, yup, no TV.


Audioholic Intern
but by default, in America, the video display unit in my house is referred to as a TV. Even though the signals received are from either a dvd player or a vcr.

If I told people I had no TV, when they walked into my house most would point to the vdu and say, "Well, if you don't have TV, what's that?!"

(btw, what is the better term for video display unit. Monitor refers to computers or speakers. Video player refers to the dvd or other media player. Entertainment system refers typically to the furniture, and not your HT (which I've always thought odd). I can't really say screen, cause I don't have a projector (same with video projector). I supose it should be television set, but that's a bit antiquated, I think)


Audioholic Ninja
but by default, in America, the video display unit in my house is referred to as a TV. Even though the signals received are from either a dvd player or a vcr.

If I told people I had no TV, when they walked into my house most would point to the vdu and say, "Well, if you don't have TV, what's that?!"

(btw, what is the better term for video display unit. Monitor refers to computers or speakers. Video player refers to the dvd or other media player. Entertainment system refers typically to the furniture, and not your HT (which I've always thought odd). I can't really say screen, cause I don't have a projector (same with video projector). I supose it should be television set, but that's a bit antiquated, I think)
Ok, so we're just talking semantics here then.


Audioholic Spartan
I'll be avoiding it like the plague. I HATE both of the teams that are playing. Maybe I'll go to Magic Mountain or something. Any place I go should be pretty dead, so that's cool.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'll be avoiding it like the plague. I HATE both of the teams that are playing. Maybe I'll go to Magic Mountain or something. Any place I go should be pretty dead, so that's cool.
Just what I'd expect from a chargers fan :D.

That's actually a really good idea to do on the day of the Super Bowl.... nobody will be out at an amusement park.


Audioholic Warlord
Bring LaDainian Tomlinson with you. I'm sure he will have nothing to do that day. :eek:

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