Sunfire scored a new subwoofer patent this week having to do with its StillBass Anti-Shake technology. This is the tech the company is using in its thin SubRosa Subwoofer. U.S. Patent #7,844,068, which has 16 claims and 8 drawing sheets, was issued by the Patent Office (specifically to Linear Corporation and Bob Carver) for the 2008 technology and coincides with Sunfire's claim to have introduced the world's first flat panel sub. Obviously, when putting a subwoofer into a wall, concerns abound as to what's going to happen to the surrounding drywall as the woofer vibrates and does its work. The StillBass system uses an actuator that operates reverse to the driver. In that way, Sunfire is using similar anti-vibration technology as power tools utilize for counteracting vibration in hammer drills and reciprocating saws.
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