Suggestion on Onkyo TX-SR606



I am inclining for this receiver as my budget ($500max) is really tight for setting up good audio system in my living room. Due to budget restriction I will set up just 2.1 or 3.1 at this moment. I am getting this receiver in around $350. My expectations are not very high with audio quality. Just want to avoid couple of things like hdmi passthrough and need some upscaling of anolog video. I need to manage 2.1 channels for rest of my 150 bucks. I dont know if I am making good decision with these options. Can someone suggest on receiver and also help in getting speakers for 2.1/3.1 channels.


Even though I am a big Onkyo fan, I recently found out that the Video processing on the SR606 is not so great.(according to some reviews and some members here on AH--which I consider to be very reliable sources)
Last years SR805 can be had for a very competitive price right now and that unit is very solid.(yes an ONKYO fanboy I am). And,'s online store is having some very good deals right now too! One of Yamaha's great AVR's is featured on the online store as we speak.(I mean read:rolleyes:))
As far as speakers go, that is always a matter of what YOUR ears like. You must audition as many speakers as it takes until you find yourself saying: "These are the speakers for me". Just bring with you, familar material(music, and movies)where ever and whenever you go to audition speakers. Audioholic's online store has some good deals going on speakers too.(BTW,2.1 or 3.1 shouldn't be a problem no matter which of the more well regarded companies you go with for your speaker set up.IMHO)
You'll keep your speakers and your AVR the longest, out of all of your other gear.(the speakers will actually stay the longest though.IMHO:D)
There are also some very good online speaker companies that might interest you. I believe most of them offer in home auditioning now, and Aperion Audio does a 30 day money back in home audition where they eat the shipping both ways should you not like them after the auditioning period.(I have one of their subs myself:D)
All the best!! :) Joe B.


Ooops, sorry. Didn't realize you were using a budget of $500 for both the receiver, and the 2.1(or 3.1) speaker set-up combined. I thought your budget for the receiver itself was $500.(sorry about that.:eek:)
Hmmm, I'd consider holding out a few more months or so(depending on your financial situation) and adding some $$ to that budget if you want to end up with something that you are satisfied with for more than a few months.(of course this is just my opinion as usual)
It took me a little over 2 years to put a decent amount of money away for my current set up, and I still had to make a few sacrafices.(really wanted one of those beautiful and heartpounding SVS subs).

Be patient. You'll be happier in the end.
Good Luck! :) Joe B.


Senior Audioholic
At $500 for 2 speakers, a sub and an AVR, you should be looking at the used market. Craigs List is your friend. Look for an AVR <$200, and put the rest into speakers, with the bulk going towards the mains.


Full Audioholic
for a decent budget speaker system, you may want to consider "The Speaker Company" and their current sale. Their subwoofers are getting good user reviews and their floorstanding "T" speakers are well received as well.

While a new company in the internet-direct sales area, they are owned by D&M Holdings, the same folks that own Denon and Marantz.

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