I just encountered an issue that has me stumped so I wanted to see if anyone else has run across something like it, and if so what you did to rectify the problem.
A subwoofer was recently submitted to me for testing. I plugged it into the surge protector that houses all my HT equipment, attached the RCA cable to the LFE in and then flipped on the power, just like I've done at least a dozen times before. But something new happened; my AVR (a Sherwood R904N, and yes I know it's a POS) froze. Completely locked up. I shut off the power to the sub and the AVR started working again. This is with the sub in standby - it wasn't even on yet.
Figuring it was a problem with the amp I contacted the manufacturer who promptly sent another amp and torodial transformer. When I got the new parts I swapped them in, hooked everything up again, flipped the switch and the same exact thing happened. That doesn't make a lot of sense, obviously, so I checked to see if the driver was shorted. Disconnected I got a reading of 3.9 ohms across the terminals, so the problem wasn't the driver either. But there's nothing left really. Now here's where it gets weird...
Using both the new and old parts -- in pairs and various combinations -- I tried every conceivable manner in which to connect it. Single LFE in, single low level (first right, then left) both low levels using a Y splitter, etc. Every time I flipped on the power my AVR froze. I checked the electrical outlet the surge protector is connected to, which is three prong, and it's properly grounded, so that's not the issue. Troubleshooting further I plugged the sub into a separate outlet (which is still on the same circuit, but bypasses the surge protector). Flipped on the power, but this time the AVR keeps working. Progress, finally! Flip it into "always on" to wake it from standby, and then the AVR locks up. Back to square one.
To summarize... if the power cord to the sub is plugged into the surge protector, where all my HT gear is, then as soon as I flip the switch my AVR locks up. That's in standby mode with the RCA cable disconnected. If I plug the sub into a different outlet I can power it up, but when I connect the RCA cable -- to LFE in or low level -- the instant it comes out of standby the AVR freezes.
Counting the units I own personally this AVR/RCA cable combination has been used with 11 different subwoofers, so the possibility something is wrong their is virtually nonexistent. However, it doesn't appear to be the sub either. When the manufacturer got the unit back he tested it on three systems -- Denon, Onkyo and I don't know the third -- and in each instance it worked flawlessly, and that was with the original transformer and amp. I've spoken with this person on the phone several times, so I do believe he's being completely truthful with me.
So, it's not the AVR or cable I use and it's not the sub or amp. What's left? I have to be missing something, but for the life of me I can't see what it is. Any ideas what might be causing this?