Will This Help?
It sounds to me like the speaker driver itself died "quietly". I'd try hooking up another driver in place of the existing subwoofer driver and seeing if you get any sound. Don't crank it up loud, because remember we are dealing with deep bass here. What you want to find out is which component is faulty. If you get sound, the amp is fine. Therefore you'll need replace the subwoofer driver itself. Seeing that the exact "o.e.m." replacement may not be available, your best recourse would probably be to buy a good car audio subwoofer to replace the old driver. IF the old driver has its impedance stamped on the driver [4 ohms, 8 ohms], your search has just been simplified. If the old driver is 4 ohms, you have lots of choices. If it is 8 ohms, you may have to buy a dual voice coil sub and wire the voice coils in series to get 8 ohms _ two 4 ohm coils in series will net 8 ohms. That's not a 100% ideal set up, but it will work extremly well.