Couple o pics
Sub is obviously corner loaded. Having the amp on top keeps my kids from playing on it
You'll see around the driver and inside the port, I did a quick spray paint job when assembling. I should have done another coat but oh well, live and learn.
This sub is great, and I will never use a sub un-EQ'd again, the EQ makes such a difference in "real" bass. Now that it's all tuned in the subwoofer adds a level of realism to movies that I didn't have when I was hearing the boom from my other sub.
As crazy as it may sound my room at 2300 cubic feet could use another one to increase impact and smooth the response some.
Hopefully down the road I build something into my walls since the truss system is 24" on center. The simple midq build is just a smidge too large to fit. I may rebuild cabinets that would fit into the wall and at that point get another sub and ep2500.
Overall great project. Thanks to all on the forum for your fanaticism to audio