<font color='#000000'>Speaking of subwoofers - I thought that you guys might get a kick out of the sub system we just installed in a local club....

There are 16 18's in it, and it's flat down to about 12 Hz. (at least that's where we stopped, as the sinks almost ripped themselves off the washroom walls @ 12Hz). We had to build a fully suspended 800lb concrete console to tame the turntable feedback...

We're powering the system with 26KW of Powersoft digital amps (how about 4000 Watts out of a 22lb 1 3/4&quot; high amplifier! - www.powersoft.it). Initially, I was suspicious of fully digital amps, but they're truly amazing. And I'm fussy as hell...

The top end system uses eight 12&quot; 2ways with 1000W ribbons to keep up with the subs, and the whole thing sounds truly astounding!

The club owner was completely blown away (literally), and wants a &quot;miniature&quot; version (with 16 10's) for his house...

Dave James
XTI Vancouver, BC

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<font color='#000000'>Your from Vancouver. &nbsp;What club is this?</font>


<font color='#000000'>Sorry it took a while to reply - the club is Gorg-o-Mish, 695 Smithe (Smithe &amp; Granville). It's an after-hours club - usually opens @ 2:30 AM Friday (Sat morning) &amp; Sat (Sun morning) and runs through to about 8:00 AM.

Check it out - if you're not impressed, let me know what you found wrong with it. Besides the fact that it's 130 dB on the dancefloor, that is. But you can still have a conversation in the middle of this without screaming. I even see people using cell phones in the middle of the dancefloor! One has to wonder what the guy on the other end is hearing....

The system is absolutely clean - virtually zero distortion - even at 130 dB. Hit 'pause' and the system is totally silent. No hums, hisses, chirps, etc. - just complete silence. Other than the ringing in your ears if you've been standing there enjoying it for 6 hours - but if you keep it under an hour or so, your ears will be just fine!

Mind you, I haven't run into anyone that wants to leave after only an hour or so - it's far too addictive. It's one of those systems that you want to keep listening to - even if you hate the music...

'Estoteric' sound at stupid levels - with dynamic range that is hard to imagine unless you've experienced it firsthand -- now that's an addiction worth having!

OBTW - the sub array weighs over 1700 lbs. and is as solid as a rock. It barely even vibrates at 135 dB. The sub amps alone total 16,000 Watts.  
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<font color='#000000'>You oughta post that one at avsforum. They'll get a kick out of it!</font>


Senior Audioholic
<font color='#000000'>Very nice set-up.  If i recall right, I once visited a web site on the net detailing the construciton of a similar 12 18&quot; woofers recessed 1 meter below the room.  The entire floor is literally  a sub-woofer. (forgot the site adress) I think it goes even further down to 5 hz.  And this, for a music/HT room in a house.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I'd like to see that - post the URL if you can find it!

XTI Vancouver &nbsp;
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