thx bandphan you save me a lot of money
btw, do you know what the biggest space f110 would still provide enough statisfaction? just for a reference.
It depends who you ask. If you ask someone like mike c, there will not be a chance in hell. If you ask someone who is only used to a Bose 123, they will have a heart attack.
IMO, the 112 is worth the step up, particularly if this is for HT. OTOH, as bandphan notes, in a condo, your neighbors will HATE you.
As for the ARO, it's not a very sophisticated thing. It just tames what it finds to be the worst peak (just one), at one position. When you run the test, you will scare everybody. I seriously, no joke, was getting pissedoff because I thought people were jackhammering nearby on the street, coincidentally with my calibration. I WENT OUT TO THE STREET. No jackhammer. I found it was shaking my kitchen window so violently, that is sounded like a jackhammer. I have the 113, and its best benefit is its efficiency coupled with more power when compared to 112/110. The 112 only gives up a single hertz of extension, so I call that a push, and maintains linearity much further up in register.
Anyways, I've since disabled ARO and simply rely on the Audyssey XT supplied in my receiver.