Stargate SG-1 cancelled!



Audioholic Ninja

For you sci-fi fans....the thread heading says it all. One of the best television science fiction series ever made is giving way to such juvenile and idiotic folly as the Sci-Fi channel's new Super Hero reality-tv series. Apparently market share has dropped off enough that it's getting dumped. (For now, Stargate Atlantis will stay, however.)

If you care (I do), you can write a couple of sentences of remorse to this address. Likely it will do no good...but it might. Back in the 60's, fan reaction and letters to Paramount Studios saved Star Trek for an additional season. If nothing else, a little venting is good for the soul. ;) <>



Who cares about SG Atlantis?

Well, SG-1 had a much longer run than expected.

I'm also PO'd that they cancelled Surface. I was just starting to get into that show.


rjbudz said:

For you sci-fi fans....the thread heading says it all. One of the best television science fiction series ever made is giving way to such juvenile and idiotic folly as the Sci-Fi channel's new Super Hero reality-tv series. Apparently market share has dropped off enough that it's getting dumped. (For now, Stargate Atlantis will stay, however.)

If you care (I do), you can write a couple of sentences of remorse to this address. Likely it will do no good...but it might. Back in the 60's, fan reaction and letters to Paramount Studios saved Star Trek for an additional season. If nothing else, a little venting is good for the soul. ;) <>

Dang that sucks. I picked up a SG-1 box set here that includes seasons 1-9. Quailty isn't all that great and there are a couple episodes in season 4 that were not watchable but for $20 it's good for passin the time.


Audioholic Warlord
They film that show right beside my moms work. Maybe now it won't be so busy when I pick her up. :D

Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
So far they have a track record of canceling the better show. SG-1 instead of Atlantis (which is barely watchable), Farscape instead of SG-1 (Farscape was probably the best sci-fi show ever, any network), etc...


Audioholic Ninja
Tom Andry said:
So far they have a track record of canceling the better show. SG-1 instead of Atlantis (which is barely watchable), Farscape instead of SG-1 (Farscape was probably the best sci-fi show ever, any network), etc...
Perhaps it's that Claudia Black and Ben Browder teed off someone, who in turn, is running around gettin' shows they're in cancelled. Ya think?

Let's send them to Survivor and see if that show gets cancelled in a year. ;) (One can only hope.)


This sucks major time. I have been a loyal SG-1 fan since the show's inception (well, that's not exactly true, the first few seasons sucked big time, but they improved later on).

Speaking of Farscape, was that movie ever made after they canceled the show?
I only started watching SG-1 becuase of Ben Browder and Claudia Black. If they cancel now I'm pretty much done with the Sci-Fi channel (currently the only non-HD channel I watch consistently.)

Idiots. I sent an email.

Atlantis sucked the two times I tried to watch it.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Clint DeBoer said:
I only started watching SG-1 becuase of Ben Browder and Claudia Black. If they cancel now I'm pretty much done with the Sci-Fi channel (currently the only non-HD channel I watch consistently.)

Idiots. I sent an email.

Atlantis sucked the two times I tried to watch it.
The show blew chunks and even Creighton and Aeryn couldn't save it.;) Good riddence.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Rob Babcock said:
The show blew chunks and even Creighton and Aeryn couldn't save it.;) Good riddence.:D
Quick, everyone pile on Rob and pound him with Beavis and Butthead jokes! :p


I do enjoy watching SG-1 but it has been on borrowed time IMO. They brought in Ben & Claudia to help it hold on longer. Atlantis still sucks but may improve with additional resources from SG-1. Some of these shows need a couple of years to figure out what there doing and fine tune it.

I do miss Farscape. Something completely different.
As for the movie after cancellation of Farscape... It was (made for tv) Peacekeeper Wars.

Battlestart Galactica has some good writing. Hopefully they can keep it going.


Audioholic Ninja
farscaper said:
I do enjoy watching SG-1 but it has been on borrowed time IMO. They brought in Ben & Claudia to help it hold on longer. Atlantis still sucks but may improve with additional resources from SG-1. Some of these shows need a couple of years to figure out what there doing and fine tune it.

I do miss Farscape. Something completely different.
As for the movie after cancellation of Farscape... It was (made for tv) Peacekeeper Wars.

Battlestart Galactica has some good writing. Hopefully they can keep it going.
Galactica....hmmm...I grew to hate that little dweezel, Baltar, and the fairly repetitive scripts. And that dang hand held camera wiggle gave me eye strain. The show had potential, but........


I can't wait for the second half of season 2 of BSG. It's my favorite Sci-fi series to date.

Thankfully Itunes is now carrying it so I will be able to stay current.
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Clint DeBoer said:
I tried BSG and didn't really like it. Maybe it got better after the first couple of episodes...?
I think it does. I ended up watching seasons 1 and 2 in under 2 days, just had to watch one more episode.;)


I can't stand Battle Star Galatica. The whole show just seems, weird.


Audioholic Spartan
I see Atlantis crashing and burning (or make that sinking back into the ocean)in the near future.

I have enjoyed SG1 for many years. Although I'll miss it, they were slipping a bit lately. Richard got off the horse at the right time.

Who or what will fill the slot?


Audioholic Ninja
gmichael said:
I see Atlantis crashing and burning (or make that sinking back into the ocean)in the near future.

I have enjoyed SG1 for many years. Although I'll miss it, they were slipping a bit lately. Richard got off the horse at the right time.

Who or what will fill the slot?
Yeah, losing RDA was a major blow to the production. This season seemed to pick up some steam, tho', even without him.

I don't think anyone knows what will take the time slot. I hope it's not some goofy "reality" show or schlocky, juvenile thing.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
why can't everyone learn from ST: Voyager. when ratings start dipping... add some eye candy. and a big eye candy is Jeri Ryan! I believe she single handedly brought another 3 seasons to Voyager.

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