Star Trek TNG was undoubtedly my favorite, and I have all 7 seasons on DVD.

Piquard would undoubtedly whip Kirks arse with one hand tied behind his back.
Make it so, dammit!
My favorites of the rest, in order:
2) Voyager- hated Janeway but liked the rest of the cast. Great Borg & engineer hotties!

3) DS9- Dull as dishwater til the Dominion attacked. Haven't seen 'em all but watched it off and on.
4) Enterprise- Mostly pathetic, especially the Archer character. He was like a substitute teacher. The "Temporal Cold War" made my skin crawl. Thanked God when it got cancelled.
5) Original ST- Hilarious special effects, laugh-out-loud god-awful overacting (
He's dead, Jim!). To campy and cheesey to sit thru a whole episode now that I'm grown up.