Some people call this one of the best countries in the world but we have politicians worse than #"%&¤#, this is worse than Soviet Union.
But his name is not Stalin but city council in Bergen.
As of Friday 15 she introduces a driving-ban in the city center for public traffic for general public.
If the plate number ends on an odd digit you are allowed to drive on dates with odd numbers
If the plate number ends on an even digit you are allowed to drive on dates with even numbers
Around the perimeter of the city center there's now made a number of public parking places where people may put their cars and there will be a huge range of people from city council to organize this.
This is an effort to increase air quality because somebody think it's so polluted here now.
There's been a number of SMS's sent around about this situation to the whole population of the city of Bergen (Norway)
I can only guess what this will cost to the city council and how much the cost of this will be to the public, people not getting to work, lost business and more.....
Shocking and absolutely crazy is a gross understatement
This country is going to hell now, need to get out of this.