My wife's main issue with the surround sound is the sw bass. Her next issue is having to use more than one remote. The cable box remote, did all she needed, to watch TV. It turned on the TV and cbl box/dvr. She used it to change channels, control volume, record shows, watch recorded shows, and use the TV guide. She also says she doesn't need SS to watch Oprah.Yes, we did take that on board. The monoprice unit looks like the best low cost unit for equalizing your impedance.
Have you got this solved yet.
I do have one comment. I think women are much more sensitive than men to audio aberrations, particularly in the mid and HF area. I suspect there is an audio evil in your set up that is driving your wife crazy. Dollars to doughnuts it's the speakers.
See likes the simplicity of the cable box remote and the TV/ with it's speakers. She never had stereo components growing up and just isn't into the whole surround thing. She does like it when we watch movies together in SS though.
The only extra steps she has to do differently now are, turn the power to the AVR on, make sure it is set to cable (rename) and turn the volume down. I showed her how to do this manually at the AVR, she understands that. I try to keep the AVR set on cable and volume down all the time, so she really just needs to turn it on. After that, everything is just like it was. She uses one remote to do the rest.
I have decided against splitting the component signal for now.
Now, if I could only get an hdmi to component switcher, I'd be set. I heard they have these in Europe, that actually work, but that they are illegal here. HDMI, missing from my system, is keeping me from getting some of the new audio. Oh well, all can't be perfect, with a budget.
Thanks again.
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