November 8
* First, I'd like to express my condolences to all the families of the soldiers killed in that very unfortunate incident, just a few days ago in Texas.
I am still today very affected by this, and I feel deep for the families & friends of these brave men & women who serve your country for Peace, Freedom & Equality.*
I'm having a moment of silence for them... and my heart goes to them.
__________________________ November 8 ________________________
"Humility and patience are closely related, I believe it.
Humility suppose firstly a capacity of confrontation, of revenge,
for thereafter intervene to the contrary the deliberate decision of doing nothing.
That is what I called authentic humility. For me, the true tolerance,
the true patience suppose self-discipline and restraint
- the consciousness that we could have acted differently, more aggressively,
but that we decided otherwise."
The XIVth dalai-lama