Received my copy of SPIDERMAN 2 – SuperBit Edition yesterday from Amazon ($22.47) with, of course, DTS surround (the reason I wanted that version). Anyway, watched it last night (in 7.1) and wow talking about fun! The times when Doc Oct fires up his thingy machine, hold on to your butts, cause the bass is gonna move you. And when stuff starts flying through the air, I swore I almost got hit by a piece of steel flying by my leftside. Good movie, lots of fun. Now I have to get my order in for I ROBOT (thankfully in DTS) and the the new TOP GUN collection edition (again in DTS). My wife asked me why I wanted that one, whats not to want – fighter jets, 7 speakers, a subwoofer and soundtrack, & DTS sound…..Come On!!!!