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Audioholic Overlord
I know this is discussed weekly, but I just can't help but make a point to bring it to anyone's attention that cares.

I think it's funny that people won't put their names with the negative reps to others. It takes a special kind of coward to give out negative reputation without signing off a name. Don't fear, I don't retaliate unless I see you post something rude, in consistantly incorrect information even after being shown the correct information).

This is the post I received negative points for, but I can figure out what logic the poster used when giving me the negative rep for it.

Personally I feel the reputation system is virtually pointless. Post hogs, like myself, are more likely to gain countless points. It's not the only factor, but it must have some weight. If I wasn't gaining points and had the post count I do have I would most likely be banned, just as a matter of deductive logic.;)

I also think it's unfair that people with higher post counts (or chicklet count, whichever makes that difference), like mine, actually cast a different quantity of points. Why should my opinion be valued above anyone elses on this forum. The rep thing signified by the scale, if nothing else, could dissapear along with all the points I have accrued from it.

The "Thanks" system, while cute, is almost on the same level of pointlessness. Here you can clearly see who gave you the positive boost, so you may as well return the favor right. It's just a frustrating system no matter how you look at it.

I am not angry I received negative reputation, I'm pretty sure it didn't do much damage anyway. I just think it's a bit silly to have it here. The titles are good enough IMO.:)


Senior Audioholic
I wish there was no such thing as rep on forums. The whole rep thing is useless in my opinion. There are some members on the forums who have high post count that dont know squat, and are spewing personal opinions like they are the solid truth. I have giving a red chicklet or two in recent days. I signed one of them and it turned into an all out brawl with the forum member i gave it to. That member didnt take it like you would Seth. the last red chicklet i gave i didnt sign but the reciever must have figured out it was me anyway, as i recieved a PM about. The red chicklet it really useless too ,but to some it is the only way to get attention. I would venture a guess and say that most people, if they recieved a red chicklet, would retaliate as a methode for revenge. Thats why i believe that the rep points and giving of rep is useless. If there is a way to not participate in the rep points system let me know. I would be all over it. Seth thanks for your post!



Both unreal.freak and Seth_L I agree with you!

I wish there was no such thing as rep on forums. The whole rep thing is useless in my opinion. There are some members on the forums who have high post count that dont know squat, and are spewing personal opinions like they are the solid truth. I have giving a red chicklet or two in recent days. I signed one of them and it turned into an all out brawl with the forum member i gave it to. That member didn't take it like you would Seth. the last red chicklet i gave i didnt sign but the reciever must have figured out it was me anyway, as i recieved a PM about. The red chicklet it really useless too ,but to some it is the only way to get attention. I would venture a guess and say that most people, if they recieved a red chicklet, would retaliate as a methode for revenge. Thats why i believe that the rep points and giving of rep is useless. If there is a way to not participate in the rep points system let me know. I would be all over it. Seth thanks for your post!

You an Seth_L make a lot of sense. I try to provide good recommendations when I have the knowledge. I also try to provide occasional humor. I think this is an outstandly , excellent forum. Sometimes, I have received red chicklets for not good reason; recently , I got one that said "Happy Thanksgiving" in negative response to me posting a recipe. LOL go figure. I am a Car Nut in addtion to being a aspiring or budding Audiophile and aspiring cook ( I used to say Gourmet until I found out what real gourmet cooks like ItsChris were all about; however I think I could compete on iron chef, I have cooked three different meals simultaneously before!). Anyway, about ten years ago, AOL had the best car discussion forums around until the moderators killed them by trying to protect incorrect/wrong information posters. Then had some good auto forums, but they have all but killed their forums by not allowing some form of corrective input; all opinions are equal to them even if they are full of baloney. So as much as I dislike the red chicklet rating on this forum, it is still a good idea to provide a reality check. I really like the number of posts and the green "experience" chicklets. Uusally when a person has more than one chicklet, they have established themselves somewhat nad thier answers are usually spot on. After awhile you also develop some comaradary with other posters; it is surprising how much personality and cahracter comes through on the posts.

Here is my suggestion, make one minor change " automatically add your screen name to every post, positive or negative". It is already added to the "thank You" posts which are 1 point. The weight scales posts are not shown and they have far greater reputation point values.

sorry for long post:rolleyes:
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I think the main issue here is someone's "body of work" so to speak. I look at myself for instance. I'll never be the guy who can recite 10 years of model numbers on virtually every known piece of equipment or give exacting impressions on every speaker made. But I think each one of us gives a unique perspective and over time we get a feel for what that person's about. I think anyone who's been reading my posts knows where I'm coming from. It's no different for Seth, MidCow, AccuDefTech, any many others. To me, I almost think it's critical that we get misinformation posted here. Why? Because it's gets corrected and sparks discussion and debate. I'll listen to anyone's opinons or advice if they can support their reasoning... then I, me, myself, can decide if I want to place value on that or not. The result is a great depth and breadth of information on this site that makes Audioholic's own "body of work." It results in not just telling someone that something's not good, but why... and that's the key because all of our "why's" vary a little and may not pertain to another.

The reputation scale means a whole lot more over time than it does short term. I mean, I have 4 chicklets, but I think I got that last one mainly because of my contribution to the recipe thread! But at the same time, even if I don't have an answer or even understand what's being discussed in a thread, I'll try to contribute... even if it means asking another question to get further or more clarification.

I don't think you should give red chickets for disagreeing with someone's opinoin, especially if they can offer reasons for having it, but it should be reserved for being rude, disruptive.... basically being a jacka$$. And I don't mean for spirited debate, even arguing a little bit... I'm confident we know it when we see it and if you give a red chicklet, your name should go with it. If that sparks unreasonable retribution, than the admins can look into it we should trust their decisions.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
What other forums allows for non related A/V topics or conversation like you find here in the steam vent.
There are certain threads which are political or religiously motovated to insite conflicts, anger and have absolutely nothing to do with what these froums are based on except to stir up crap!!
They are no worst than a spammer and should be dealt that way!:mad:


Audioholic Ninja
Just to clear this up because Seth's response is to my post, I did not give any negative rep to you on that post.


Senior Audioholic
I just blow them off, not like I really care what some other anonymous poster thinks of my anonymous post:p

It is rather irksome when someone gives you the red flag when they obviously did not read the entire thread.:mad: Like the one I got a couple days ago. No sig just said "<I>HUH? The topic is Rac/Racism</I>":confused::rolleyes: If they bothered to read the entire thread the would have understood this was a reply in jest to another post.


What other forums allows for non related A/V topics or conversation like you find here in the steam vent.
There are certain threads which are political or religiously motovated to insite conflicts, anger and have absolutely nothing to do with what these froums are based on except to stir up crap!!
They are no worst than a spammer and should be dealt that way!:mad:

I don't know that there's anything wrong with having a section for conversation other than a/v equipment. Actually I the BBQ and the Motorcycle discussion groups I'm a part of both have such an area. I like having the area because it gives an opportunity for us to talk to one another about all kinds of things. There's more to each of than just a/v equipment.

Maybe we can just turn off the reputation for non a/v areas?


The whole point behind the reputation system is that THERE IS NO POINT.

It was setup as a kind of joke by Clint to begin with. Not to be taken real serious. I'm a good example. I have uber chicklets and uber posts but don't contribute much useful information. I also receive my share of love mail PM's and negative rep. I just laugh at them. As you can see, most of the the people that would give a negative reputation don't have enough good rep points to make a difference.

Smile :) Just don't take it seriously.


Audioholic Overlord
The whole point behind the reputation system is that THERE IS NO POINT.

It was setup as a kind of joke by Clint to begin with. Not to be taken real serious. I'm a good example. I have uber chicklets and uber posts but don't contribute much useful information. I also receive my share of love mail PM's and negative rep. I just laugh at them. As you can see, most of the the people that would give a negative reputation don't have enough good rep points to make a difference.

Smile :) Just don't take it seriously.
Very much agreed major. If you post here on a regular basis, it does NOT take too long to figure out who is being objective and those that remain subjective. We all have our own ideas/expectations as to how things "should be" or how they "should sound". Most of which is learned either by direct experience or extensive research which is conclusive. It is these ideas/expectations that often come into conflict and thus spawn some debate. Topics such as Politics and Religion usually do one thing-that being conflict because we all have our own ideas about what changes that need to occur on a micro(locally) and/or macro(nationally) level. As such, I agree with major's perspective in that it is merely just "another day at the beach" so to speak. Kudos to you major for pointing this out.




Audioholic Overlord
Midcow said:
I got one that said "Happy Thanksgiving" in negative response to me posting a recipe.
That sounds like an honest mistake to me. Once you give a rep point out, you can't retract it unless you contact a moderator or administrator. It's possible they didn't realize in the slightest that they gave you a negative rep, and since they didn't sign their name off with it, you can't PM them.;)


Audioholic Spartan
Personally I feel the reputation system is virtually pointless. Post hogs, like myself, are more likely to gain countless points. It's not the only factor, but it must have some weight. If I wasn't gaining points and had the post count I do have I would most likely be banned, just as a matter of deductive logic.;)
Why would you be banned? IMO, post hogs are simply post hogs. Some people, instead of posting once with multiple quotes, etc, will instead machine gun fire a few in a row. Can you imagine if someone emails you three times back to back to back for three thoughts, instead of giving it to you at once? Its mildly annoying, but wasn't annoying enough to have me bring it up until now. The main reason I presume folks do this is simply to build post count as fast as possible. At various forums, people seem to respect others who simply post more times (unfortunately). See, I don't have to be a post hog, but I will have at least some good reputation thanks to this "silly system". I've always preferred eloquence over verbosity.

I also think it's unfair that people with higher post counts (or chicklet count, whichever makes that difference), like mine, actually cast a different quantity of points. Why should my opinion be valued above anyone elses on this forum. The rep thing signified by the scale, if nothing else, could dissapear along with all the points I have accrued from it.

The "Thanks" system, while cute, is almost on the same level of pointlessness. Here you can clearly see who gave you the positive boost, so you may as well return the favor right. It's just a frustrating system no matter how you look at it.

I happen to like the thanks system. It shows that for instance an OP read a helpful response, and ackwowledged it accordingly. Sometimes it shows appreciation from folks who never once posted in the thread, which is kinda neat IMO. No need for instanteous thread bump either by having to post "thank you". Perfect? No. Useful? Somewhat. I've been thanked without any further additional post to thread, and vice versa. It can allow for less unnecessary activity, arguably.

I am not angry I received negative reputation, I'm pretty sure it didn't do much damage anyway. I just think it's a bit silly to have it here. The titles are good enough IMO.:)
Hehe, I just only recently discovered user cp here. I have no idea if anyone ever gave me negative rep. Is the only way to know to continually check the user cp?

I do think its amusing when certain folks get on forum probation. To me, this must represent a lack of willingness to handle oneself, and nothing to do with the actual opinions being exerted. And remember folks, the ignore function is quite useful. I've used it here and elsewhere, and it helps me keep my composure.

Never argue with an idiot. First he will bring you down to his own level. Then he will proceed to beat you at his own game.

cheers, and good day all,



Thanks Jostenmeat

Never argue with an idiot. First he will bring you down to his own level. Then he will proceed to beat you at his own game.

cheers, and good day all,

Hey Jostenmeat good words of wisdom. Trying to argue with an Idiot is akin to wrestling with a pig in the mud. You will get frustrated, dirty, not acomplish anything and the pig will be happy! :D

I like to contribute information when I can. I have also learned a lot form other's experience. The "Thanks" seems to encourage sharing. Maybe the red chicklet fear keeps the BS down and the quality level of sharing higher :rolleyes:




Audioholic Warlord
If you really don't care about the rep system, you don't use it. If you give someone rep, you then MUST care somewhat for it, otherwise, what's the point? Even better is giving it out, when a simple conversation on th board, or in a PM will resolve most the issue. But who am I to talk, I use the chicklets, and I like giving reds to those who deserve it.

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I forget about the rep system. This is the only forum I've seen it on and I never remember to use it either way.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
maybe i should make me a thread like this to build up some chicklets ... :)

i really did get a red chicklet :)
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
maybe i should make me a thread like this to build up some chicklets ... :)i really did get a red chicklet :)
Hhm..must have been before your status changed to Moderator. Otherwise, that was a very dumb thing to do on their part. Just curious, have you banned them yet?:D
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