I think the main issue here is someone's "body of work" so to speak. I look at myself for instance. I'll never be the guy who can recite 10 years of model numbers on virtually every known piece of equipment or give exacting impressions on every speaker made. But I think each one of us gives a unique perspective and over time we get a feel for what that person's about. I think anyone who's been reading my posts knows where I'm coming from. It's no different for Seth, MidCow, AccuDefTech, any many others. To me, I almost think it's critical that we get misinformation posted here. Why? Because it's gets corrected and sparks discussion and debate. I'll listen to anyone's opinons or advice if they can support their reasoning... then I, me, myself, can decide if I want to place value on that or not. The result is a great depth and breadth of information on this site that makes Audioholic's own "body of work." It results in not just telling someone that something's not good, but why... and that's the key because all of our "why's" vary a little and may not pertain to another.
The reputation scale means a whole lot more over time than it does short term. I mean, I have 4 chicklets, but I think I got that last one mainly because of my contribution to the recipe thread! But at the same time, even if I don't have an answer or even understand what's being discussed in a thread, I'll try to contribute... even if it means asking another question to get further or more clarification.
I don't think you should give red chickets for disagreeing with someone's opinoin, especially if they can offer reasons for having it, but it should be reserved for being rude, disruptive.... basically being a jacka$$. And I don't mean for spirited debate, even arguing a little bit... I'm confident we know it when we see it and if you give a red chicklet, your name should go with it. If that sparks unreasonable retribution, than the admins can look into it we should trust their decisions.