OK guys and gals we have been discussing amps a lot but not that much about speakers. I have some thoughts and questions that I hope spark some good advice for some and interesting dialog for us more seasoned audio nuts. Most of you have read my background on other posts so I won't repeat it here, but I have been in this hobby since the late 70's so I like to think I know a little. Maybe I am full of it but it is nice to think you know something

What I have been thinking about is speakers and when to stop looking for something better and be content. I know that may seem like a radical concept to some, but let me finish. What I am trying to get at is some sanity in speakers.
For example I have Paridigm Monitor series all around. Monitor 7's up front, CC370 center and MiniMonitors rear. I am in the process of treating my room and so far the sound I have is nothing short of amazing. Back in the late 80's, at an audio snob shop in Tampa bay, I heard, what I thought at that time, was the best sounding setup I ever heard. It was a set of Quads on a Mark Levinson Pre-Amp and Amp; I have now surpassed that level of fidelity in my opinion. I know you can't compare what you heard 20 years ago to something today, but what I mean is that when I listen to music now I am not listening for flaws anymore but rather just sitting back and listening, enjoying and having fun.
What I am now wondering is what would I gain by going to another set of speakers say like Paradigms next level up? It would be a pretty big money investment to do so, would it be worth it? Is there that much difference in speakers today once you reach a certain level? I have my doubts. I have built at least 20 different speakers of my own and well over a thousand custom jobs when I worked for a shop in Florida, and I have never heard a better tweeter then the one Paradigm uses on their Monitor line, it is that good. If you have never heard a set go take a listen and bring some stuff with some delicate highs. Your Jaw will drop. Trust me on this one thing if nothing else, I have built stuff and heard stuff with ScanSpeak, Skanning, Vifa, Morel, Dynaudio, Peerless, Focal, and Audax tweeters and I am telling you these things are amazing.
Now I am not trying to say Pardigm has some sort of lock on tweeters, but damn they are good. I have listened and owned lots of other great speakers, one of my old pair, a pair of
Mirage 1090i's were fantastic, amazing low end for a dual 6in two way, but still they did not satisfy in the high end like the Paradigms do.
Have we reached the limit to how good a conventional speaker can sound? Is there no point to looking for something else until a new technology comes along or would I be even happier getting something more? Is there really any difference in QUALITY speakers at this time or do they all sound good enough. What are some of your thoughts?