
Hello all. I think you all have been very helpful in the past and so I will appeal to your good nature once more:

I blew my entire budget (and then some) on speakers and a receiver. I have next to zero funds available for wiring. Where should I go to get the best quality at lowest possible cost speaker wiring for a 5.1 setup in a relatively small size room (15 x 12)? I am hoping to go with a B&M store as my receiver is already here and my speakers will be here soon and I want to start playing with them now. I am not terribly concerned with the quality of the cabling -- I will be stepping up from no speakers (just my television) to nice ones and a nice receiver so I am sure I will be very happy with low tier cables (could a guy of my experience really notice a difference anyway?).

I have seen packages for $150. I am hoping I can spend a lot less. My original budget was 700 for everything. This increased to 1000. In the end, I spent about 1500 total and I just don't see how I can squeeze out another hundred-fifty for wires that just conduct electricity.

Any suggestions? Or criticisms for choosing to downgrade the wiring?

Many thanks



Audioholics Master Chief

There is no reason why you can't get high performance wiring for low cost. Check out our various reviews where we demonstrate many lost cost cables outperforming the more expensive ones.

With that, for your budget I suggest cables from:

If you call them, twist their arms a bit and tell them Gene from Audioholics said to give you a 10% discount on a package deal, I am confident they will oblige.


Audioholic Samurai
Lowes, Home Depot or any other home improvement center should have 100' rolls of 12 AWG landsape wire(stranded copper) for about $25-$30 USD. Excellent as speaker wire. :)


Unregistered said:
Hello all. I think you all have been very helpful in the past and so I will appeal to your good nature once more:

I blew my entire budget (and then some) on speakers and a receiver. I have next to zero funds available for wiring. Where should I go to get the best quality at lowest possible cost speaker wiring for a 5.1 setup in a relatively small size room (15 x 12)? I am hoping to go with a B&M store as my receiver is already here and my speakers will be here soon and I want to start playing with them now. I am not terribly concerned with the quality of the cabling -- I will be stepping up from no speakers (just my television) to nice ones and a nice receiver so I am sure I will be very happy with low tier cables (could a guy of my experience really notice a difference anyway?).

I have seen packages for $150. I am hoping I can spend a lot less. My original budget was 700 for everything. This increased to 1000. In the end, I spent about 1500 total and I just don't see how I can squeeze out another hundred-fifty for wires that just conduct electricity.

Any suggestions? Or criticisms for choosing to downgrade the wiring?

Many thanks



Audioholic Chief
Parts express (www.partsexpress.com) has 12* for $17/100 ft roll. The also have a wide variety of spade lugs, banana plugs and really good wire strippers for ten bucks. Good? cheap surge supressors too. There are also many interconnects for less than twenty bucks. Even with all this, I still spent almost $500 on all the wire and stuff although I use more than most setups.


Thanks for the helpful start.

I looked at Parts Express. I think earlier today I saw the 100' that you mentioned for $17. Now I went back to buy it and it says its only a 30' roll (it was still in my shopping cart). Did my eyes deceive or did they change it on me?

I should clarify, the budget I spoke of earlier was supposed to be for my whole system --- speakers, receiver, everything.

All I need now is the cabling but I have very little money left. I think the cables you mentioned (Gene) are nice but they are a little out of my price category most likely. I just need enough wire to get to 5 speakers, a sub cable, and a coaxial. And I don't want to be spending the $150 --- I'd rather come in at 50 instead.

Is there ever any way to get free shipping at Parts Express? Do you think that is the best place to look for some cheap cables/wire?

I originally thought I would want some banana plugs but those compression kind are like 40 bucks for enough to do 5 speakers. That's alot in my book. and I can't do the soldering ones. I guess I will hope my receiver can manage bare wire.

Thanks again for the help.


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