I don't think you should rule out internet direct vendors.
For example, you could order one pair of SVS, or ascends, or whatever other speakers you're considering. Then you can audition them in your home and take advantage of their return policies. If you don't like what you hear, then send them back. Yeah, you'll lose a few bucks shipping the speakers back, but that will give you peace of mind that you are getting the best speaker for your needs and budget. Think of it this way, you can pay for shipping, or for gasoline so you can drive around to different stores to audition speakers. It's always better to audition speakers in your home.
Also, IMHO 7.1 is a waste of space and money. There are no 7.1 movies, and music sounds better in stereo (unless it's multichannel-- sacd and dvd-a is still only 5.1). Focus on a good 5.1 setup, and then add two more speakers later if you feel that you are missing something. That's just my opinion, especially since you're working with a budget.
BTW, I'm not sure if you've completely ruled out the Bic's, but I did send my BIC crossovers off to Ed Frias last week. I should have them back in a couple of days, and I'll post a mini review. In their stock form they are an excellent all around value for their online price (in fact, I don't think you could do any better for $120/pair for DV62si or $200/pair for the DV62CLRS). I'm anxious to see what the XO mod does.