Ok what do you think?
Option 1: HSU research Ultra15 5.1 (1 ULS-15, 4 HB-1 MK2, 1 HC-1 MK2)
Option 2: HSU research 1 ULS-15, HTD 4 level 3 bookshelves, HTD 1 level 3 center
That ULS-15 looks awesome and its not huge which is a plus for me. I'm kind of bummed HSU research doesn't offer their MK2s in rosewood anymore. I think black is the only option. It doesn't make sense for me to get the sub in rosewood since its essentially hidden in the corner. To be honest I'm leaning towards option 1 but my reservations come from esthetic issues....which I know pales in comparison to sound quality. Not to mention somehow my budget increased again.