No. It barely gets to that part of the indicator light... If this amp is producing this much power at this price.... what is the trade off with other class amps like Emotivas? I have never heard those so and just wondering.
Aside from what HD has already covered, if you meant comparing home audio and pro audio, I think the trade off is, with the Crown either you not keen on sound quality or if you are, then you need to read and educate yourself about the marketing hypes and forum talks/hearsay going around for years. Those unsubstantiated claims were mostly from differences in setups, volume, DSP related and Placebo effect. If you go with the more expensive gear, then you don't, or at least less so, need to even talk about it because money buy you satisfaction. Also, some people may not like the looks of the proamps and in some cases, the fan noise. They are not designed for home use after all.