Yes, famous words. But that gives you no immunity from being gullible, biased and just plain wrong.
the likelyhood that I'd learn something from you is 1. Not necessary and 2. not likely.
Actually you have demonstrated much in the few posts here, that you have much more to learn, lots more. But, as the saying goes about the horse and water, well, you know that saying.
If someone isn't willing to throw up treatments, a simple swap is adequate.
Wrong. Mistake one.
but earlier I did make the stipulation stating "if you need to replace your wiring for other reasons..."
What other reasons? Replace it with in kind but longer. Cost is not an indicator of anything of importance in performance.
I would recommend acoustic treatments first, selecting neutral electronics and cabling, ensuring effective power conditioning to further remove grain,
Ah, some of the voodoo stuff. Yep, 10 years will do that to you. Got the right lingo too.
then EQing to the icing.
Or, one of the early, real beneficial trweatments.
I say this in this order, respecting the fact that most audiophiles would rather keep signal-altering electronics out of the chain unless absolutely necessary.
Ah, that is because they have been brainwashed by the hi end priests of audio. Are you part of the problem???
Realize, though; your inherent fingers-in-the-ears unwillingness to talk about what vaious cabling issues can do for your system shouldn't stifle others.
Cables cannot solve anything, period. 10 years of voodoo will drive anyone to the dark side. Too late.