About my basement, a picture seems to be worth a thousand words; here's what it looks like. Keep in mind that I don't live there yet, there pictures are from the re/max website and all the furniture and stuff is not mine...
(I need 5 posts to put images up, sorry for theses weird links)
I wanted to put the speakers around where there a little piano keyboard or maybe at the other end of the basement, I don't know yet.
Btw, thanks to "j_garcia" and "Mike19" for the answers. So let's be more precise. My budget for speakers and only speakers is around 1000$ (maybe more like I said). I'll start by plugging theses new speakers in my current technics-cheapo-but-seems-ok-to-me integrated HT amp 100w 8 ohms (I think...). After a few week/months, I'll probably change it for a better one or an amp and separate pre-amp; if my ear demands it. I guess I'll be paying around 800$ to 1200$ for a new amp, of maybe that's too much considering the quality of the speakers, don't know... Then, I'll figure out a way to play my FLAC's with maybe a usb DAC gizmo or something...
After that, I'll probably buy a cd transport and a DAC to finish it (much later); until I start all over again! BUT but but for now, I want to concentrate on speakers.
Since I don't really know where to start, I'll keep in mind a few things that I've heard around (and hopefully, you'll be able to confirm this): I'll stay away from Cerwin Vega, staying away from Bose, won't consider tiny satellites speakers, won't be going to futureshop or best buy to listen to new speakers AND I will visit for the first time a true and specialized audio store.
Should I take the time to listen to some things like Klipsch (rf63), Axioms (m80v2) and Polk (tsi500)? Could this do the job for me or will I just waste my time? Of maybe KEF (iq50wa)? Any other brand I should know about in that price-rage?
Thanks again for all your advices.