Southern Sudan unveils plans to build animal-shaped cities.



Audioholic Overlord
No, this is NOT from the Onion. I wish it was.

"Juba, South Sudan (CNN) -- An amusement park sits in the ear of a rhinoceros; a five-star hotel takes the place of its eye. Another city takes the awkward image of a giraffe, with a golf course on its chest and a sewage treatment plant on its tail.

The government of Southern Sudan this week unveiled urban blueprints to rebuild cities in the shape of animals, raising eyebrows across the globe.

The man behind the plan, Housing and Physical Planning Ministry undersecretary Daniel Wani, says the attention has given his ambitious proposal a boost of new energy."

It's nice tho see that all the money and goods donated by humanitarian aid groups over the years have gone to something worthwhile instead of wasting it on foolish things like fighting starvation, genocide and other trivial issues.

Click here for the full blab.

If you're up to it, here's another interesting little tidbit.
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