Sony PS3 and NO HDMI- in the $499 version Blu ray



With all the hype in the PS3 it appears that Sony has removed certain features from the two versions.

Instead of 6 usb ports there will be 4 and the 499 version

Well- No HDMI, and yes, there will be only 1 HDMI
version and that is in the 599 version

If you don't believe me that Sony is only shipping both drives
with only 1 ethernet port and just a blu-ray reader then go to the official website at

The ps3 won't replace PC'S, the $599 edition has the wireless support and the 60 gig hd. I wouldn't buy the 499
edition, and I think with deluxe hd-dvd player around 600
and prices going to drop- the regular hd-dvd player is well under 400 dollars, Sony's PS3 gamble won't play up.

I may still buy the ps3, but it won't be the 499 version and I don;t think many people will be able to afford this.

"The only difference is HDMI – and at this point, I don't think many people's TV's have that. The ultimate result, to my eyes anyway, is there's not a discernible difference between what you get between HDMI and other forms of high definition." That;s what sony's ceo says

But then there is that HDCP ICT- which can downgrade the High-def if the movie studios decided to enable that feature

With Pc's boasting well over 300gigs of HD space, I don't think sony will replace the pc as they claim.

Stay Informed.


There isn't any DVI-HDCP either in case you were wondering and no wireless suport in the 499 version. I wonder how much the games will cost.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I've heard that games will cost anywhere from $70 to $100. :eek:

I certainly won't be buying a PS3. I'm not a big console gamer to begin with and there's no way I'd pay that much for a console and games.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Sony's PS3 replacing PCs is going to suck for everyone employed at Sony's Vaio department. :)


Full Audioholic
im going to definately buy a ps3 eventually. but probobly not until i can find one for around 350-400 bucks. which might take a year or two. or unless i have some money burning a hole in my pocket.

id like to wait anyway so that people can develop mod chips, and br drives and burnable discs/


Make sure you get the one with HDMI, I don't know why sony isn't putting hdmi in the $499 version but I suspect its to reduce costs, it has to be.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Make sure you get the one with HDMI, I don't know why sony isn't putting hdmi in the $499 version but I suspect its to reduce costs, it has to be.
Everything they're doing is to reduce costs. They will be losing a huge amount of money, even on the $600 version.


yea i think sony is in trouble here, people complained about 60 microsoft games but 70-100 sony games, aweful their game line-up doesnt even compare to xbox or nintendo, with the exception of gran turismo they really dont have a "great" game that is not on availble on every platform. And even selling this at $600 they are going to microsoft route and losing money on their system. However with the xbox 360, not including development to get a 360 on a retail floor costs microsoft about $480. Last i heard the cost of the ps3 (about same time as e3) was a little over $1000. Wether this is accurate or not it is believeable, with a blu-ray drive cell processor hdmi support, Sony has screwed itself on constles i think sony is about to become the next sega, making crappy games for any platform that will buy it

the only way you will see me buying one is either to sell on ebay right at launch to some desperate person and make a couple hundred bucks or if blu-ray doesnt come down ill buy a ps3 throw away the controllers and use it as my player.

And with the blu-ray able to hold big amounts of data to create great graphics, they can do this with a regular dvd and get close the average game is in the range or 1.5-2 gb
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FierceTIMbo17 said:
And with the blu-ray able to hold big amounts of data to create great graphics, they can do this with a regular dvd and get close the average game is in the range or 1.5-2 gb
The average game is not 2GB. A typical PS2 game runs about 4 GB now and that almost exceeds the single layer of a DVD. Even the newer roleplaying games like Dragon Quest 8 and Final Fantasy 10 are 4.5GB. The Metal Gear Substance and Gran Turismo games are around 7GB.

Now take these games and make them 720p and even 1080i/p and you have huge amounts of data being consumed. You can not tell me that HD-DVD/Blu-ray games are not needed. People do not want it to become like Playstation 1 where you were buying games that took up 4 disc's.


With all the hype in the PS3 it appears that Sony has removed certain features from the two versions.

Well- No HDMI, and yes, there will be only 1 HDMI
version and that is in the 599 version

Stay Informed.
For $100 more the consumer will get Wi-Fi capabilities, a bigger hard drive, HDMI, and memory card slots (for the PSP and your camera). Also, an HDMI cable will come included. I don't see why anyone would buy the $499 version but thats just me.

On the other side, the big misconception a lot of people have here is the removal of HDMI from the $499 version. This is still no big deal for people that buy the $499 version because the Component Output will still be able to handle a 1080p signal. So everyone can still game and watch Blu-ray movies in 1080p if they want to. They just would have to buy a separate digital audio cable or use the analog cable included.

As far as price goes, $600 is not a lot of money for all the features provided and for the time frame the PS3 is suppose to last. The majority of gaming systems are built to last around 5 years at the most. The PS3 uses the newest technologies and a brand new format, so it could very well last from 10-15 years (assuming Blu-ray is still around). Sony has stated it wanted the PS3 to last 10 years and was in for the long haul.

People are complaining about the $600 price but most of them are buying $400 ipods that have 2 basic functions...get real!
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
On the other side, the big misconception a lot of people have here is the removal of HDMI from the $499 version. This is still no big deal for people that buy the $499 version because the Component Output will still be able to handle a 1080p signal. So everyone can still game and watch Blu-ray movies in 1080p if they want to. They just would have to buy a separate digital audio cable or use the analog cable included.
I recall reading on AACS that component video would be downgraded to 540p. It basically line doubles their 540 component video output to display 1080i so that they could market it as 1080i even though it would have half the detail of a true 1080i signal. Without support for High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) on both ends, the video quality and resolution may be artificially downgraded by the signal source.

Many of the existing component cables will not be able to transfer the 148.5 MHz signal needed for 1080p.
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Bigsilvs said:
The average game is not 2GB. A typical PS2 game runs about 4 GB now and that almost exceeds the single layer of a DVD. Even the newer roleplaying games like Dragon Quest 8 and Final Fantasy 10 are 4.5GB. The Metal Gear Substance and Gran Turismo games are around 7GB.

Now take these games and make them 720p and even 1080i/p and you have huge amounts of data being consumed. You can not tell me that HD-DVD/Blu-ray games are not needed. People do not want it to become like Playstation 1 where you were buying games that took up 4 disc's.
could by i just know xbox games are that small and the graphics blow ps2 away


To Clear up a few things

First, well I personally don't think Gran Turismo is a great game. Although it was one of the first ps2 games purchased in my house, you to admit just driving a car around well turn out to be boring eventually - despite some nice scenes.

I thinhk GT4 may have been much better than GT3 if that's what you are talking about.

if you hadn't notice already- Sony Downgrading and Removing features

More Ethenet and USB ports, lack of vibration in the controllers

What else is missing, I am not sure- but 600 plus a few games would come up to 800 dollars- that is far cry from what people are used to. Will the ps3 go as the same way the xbox 360 did? Granted everyone loved the first x-box- true games were pricey- but with all those virtual mpds- hacking, great graphics at the time. I think the xbox/xbox 360 supports HD already with an adapter as a pc resolution of 1024x768 would qualify as HD.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I think the xbox/xbox 360 supports HD already with an adapter as a pc resolution of 1024x768 would qualify as HD.
I'm not sure what exactly you mean here but the original Xbox supports 720p HD on select games and the 360 supports 720p on all games.


Ok so i talked to sony rep today. Vibration is gone due to the fact that xbox playstation and ninetndo all stole it from a company and is getting sued. And of course to keep Vib. xbox and nin settled outside of court while sony decided to fight it (go figure) Games will be 59.99. Said currently WILL NOT support hdmi 1.3 but that may change. But here is the big kicker. upon release they will ship 2 million units worldwide. (yes worldwide) so if you think 360 was hard to get we in for some fun. However about half of these will be 499 because companies like walmart dont like the 599 price tag so they will mostly go to best buys circuits stuff like that. So this leaves about 1 million of the 599 (only one that is worth it) for the whole world. And they said they hope to have 4 million shipped by xmas. So be ready to wait another day out in the cold for one.

Also no displays in stores so they will be able to meet these estimates so the first time many will see how good these graphics look is when we buy one. (unless a store decides to display one of their own inventory then apparently that is ok)


FierceTIMbo17 said:
Ok so i talked to sony rep today. Vibration is gone due to the fact that xbox playstation and ninetndo all stole it from a company and is getting sued. And of course to keep Vib. xbox and nin settled outside of court while sony decided to fight it (go figure) Games will be 59.99. Said currently WILL NOT support hdmi 1.3 but that may change. But here is the big kicker. upon release they will ship 2 million units worldwide. (yes worldwide) so if you think 360 was hard to get we in for some fun.
Immersion sued only Microsoft and Sony. Microsoft settled out of court and Sony lost after fighting it in court. Nintendo patented there own "rumble technology" so they never were sued.$82+million+verdict/2100-1043_3-5377597.html

Sony also stated about shipping 2 million units at launch at E3 2006 in the beginning of May. 2 million worldwide is still way more than the Xbox 360 shipped at launch which was around 1 million worldwide (assuming Sony reaches there estimate). Microsoft stated it would have 1 million units available at launch just for the U.S. but fell way short with only 326,000. Hopefully, the U.S. will get 1 million PS3's at launch, but not likely because of Japan.


Full Audioholic
Personally, I will not purchase any electronic device, be it display, player, preamp, prepro, or receiver, unless it supports HDMI 1.3. I have enough obsolete equirpment now. See July 6 article in "HDMI 1.3 Spec is Announced Yet Big Questions Remain".


Audioholic Jedi
I don't know why you say the $599 one is the only one that is worth it. According to an article I recently read, it said 1080i and 1080p would both be available via component, and that all the features that the $499 unit lacks can be added. Most of the added features of the $599 version, I don't think I'll need.


1080p is only availible through HDMI. Component inputs on all HDTVs are up to 1080i.

So games on PSP will not be 1080p unless you get HDMI :p

PS3 has not been released yet, however it's looking pretty grim for Blu-Ray interms of video quality and extras. Why they must stick to Mpeg 2 when AVC, which Blu-Ray is capable of doing, would make them compareable to HD-DVD in video quality, is beyond me.

PS3 is yet to hit the markets. If a lot of PS3 are sold and a lot of their users by Blu-Ray movies, it really does not matter what critics say about quality and technical issues.

Price will scare a lot of potential buyers. Only core Playstation fans will want one at the asking prices. Microsoft could really surpass Sony in America. Ms however can't even beat the Game Cube in Japan. I also for see Nintendo making a come back (world wide). It's low pricepoint (aiming to be half the price of their compeditors), loyal following and it's stance on unique gameplay over graphics will intrigue lot of casual gamers and non-gamers. If Nintendo can score big with Brain Teasers and Puppies. Think of what they can do this fall with proably the best launch line up of all time (for loyalists and casual/non gamers).

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