Nick250 said:
Just so I have the complete picture, the MDR-V6 are the ones that are 99% identical to the MDR-7506 but less expensive. Do I have that correctly? For $15 or so added cost I am not going to cheap out if there is added benefit. But if there is none, there is no point throwing money out the window.
I own the 7506, but that was only because I needed the headphones NOW and the only place that carried them locally was Guitar Center and they only sell the 7506, otherwise I would've gone the V6 route. But to answer your question, there are a few differences:
-The 7506 has a gold plated plug, the V6 is nickel plated
-The 7506 has pretty blue stickers on the earcups, the V6 has red ones
-The 7506 costs more money
So yes. They are the same headphone.