Hello everybody, this is my first post here, so I will introduce myself briefly;-
My name is Graz, I am located in Australia, and manufacture ribbon loudspeakers using my own ribbons, and also manufacture oem ribbons.
System referred to - my home system;-
Nuvista 3D, Nuvista M3, Perigee biwire cables with Eichmann bullet terminations (crimp/my own high silver solder), Perigee FK1 Ribbon hybrid speakers (
My reason for being here - found the thread mentioning Boccino Audio connectors, read it and wanted to contribute my opinion.
I must say that I have been enjoying music and manufacturing kit for some time - and have uncovered many "myths", and as my equipment and knowledge improved this has been easier. The system described above has remained "as is" for 3 years now, with only one detail change, the interconnects. I have two sets of PRECIOUS METALS interconnects, bought from PM's Steve Williams (now departed), and have found them to be a good combination of detail and music when comapared to other cables, differences my system is well able to present in detail. Last year on advice from a couple of friends I tried replacing the WBT ends with Bocchinno Audio connectors. These connectors are substantial "lumps" of pure copper, silver plated - and when you see them you can feel the work that has gone into them - take a look at the pictures on the site
http://www.bocchtech.com - mine are "B7" type, in silver plate not gold. BTW machining copper is no picnic - I know as a mfr of ribbon speakers!
I listened and found them to be better in a number of ways, particularly just a fine tweak in focus that my already well sorted and stable system could reveal. After a week I swapped back to the WBT/PM cables for a few days, and noticed the withdrawal of the positive effect - a confirmation. Slight but certainly noticable - I consider that the reality of these terminations is they simply connect the wire to the plug interface in a more conductive way. No snake oil, just an elaborate way of improving on an area of weakness in the audio chain. As mentioned before the system is well sorted, and cabling differences show up readily in such a system.
Reading the price of $3300 for some interconnects sounds scary - perhaps worth a listen! My interconnects from Precious Metals cost about £220 ($400?) with the WBT plugs on, and the Bocchinno plugs cost about $400 if I remember rightly, so I would guess roughly $700 value for interconnects in total would be right. Funnily enough the other interconnects I rated highly were the Cawsey ones using the same Bocchino termination, but I have no idea of the wire configuration. These were about $1500 if I remember...
Lastly - a polite observation. This site seems to have been developed with the idea of audio advancement through truth and open discussion of points - a good thing. Points such as "inactive listening" as raised before are interesting. And tod I have heard several "mystery" song lyrics unveiled from adjacent rooms! In any case - what should never be forgotten is the ammount of time a manufacturer can take to to design, develop, and get a product to a position of being able to offer it. Not all products are made with profits in mind, and in my experience the manufacturer has the last stoney bite of the "cherry" in the audio chain - where much of the real wages are acknowledged achievements and smiling faces of those who enjoy your products!
In peace - Graz