Someone better jump...




My current feeling, all too uninformed:

HDMI seems like it might be worth holding out for, since I have a Panasonic AE900-U with an HDMI input, and may get an upscaling HD-DVD player.

Tell me if I'm wrong:)

The $500 is a really nice value if it was the 'right' receiver but not jumping on the deal allows some time to investigate more choices.

I'm just feeling I'm not quite informed enough aouut my needs yet, as I watch in another thread as someone planning to get the Yamaha 2600 is being advised to go with a much lower receiver, to know if this is the right one. I'll ponder some more though, and watch for any more feedback to the points I'm trying to ask about previously.

Side questions - since the 4306 is under discussion too - how important is its lack of THX Ultra2 support, if used with the Klipsch THX Ultra2 speakers?

Is HDMI 1.3 worth waiting for, or will it somehow be available with the 4306 when it comes out?
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Senior Audioholic
Clint DeBoer said:
Well, to start with, how about a terribly more robust amplifier section and a slew of features like Internet radio, USB and networking support... and I could not function with only 2 component video inputs and one out - but that's me.

The two receivers are in a different class altogether if you ask me, but if you want a deal, don't care about features and you don't need the power (i.e. you have very efficient or smaller speakers) than I'd certainly consider it. If you want the industry leader (bang for buck), you go with the Denon AVR-4306 or the Yamaha RX-V2600 (this week, haha).
The 9300TX has USB, 2x 27,000uf capacitors and a 15 lb. power supply. It weighs in at 44.8 lbs. For $500, I don't know how much more robust you can get. It has the same innards as the Pioneer Elite 56TXi. I know because i've had both. The only missing item is the lack of on the 9300TX. As for only having 2 component video inputs. I guess it depends on how much stuff you have. I connect the dvi output from my hd-cable box directly to the TV. My dvd player actually looks better over component and it will upconvert over component so it's connected to the receiver. My PS2 outputs component to the receiver which passes it on to the tv. My tv only has one hdmi input, but most of the newer ones have 2. I don't know if you've already purchased one, but that's something to consider. I actually downgraded tv inputs. My previous tv had 1-dvi input and 2 component video inputs. My new one only has 1 component and one hdmi and I get along just fine.

If you want to see what it really looks like and you have a yahoo account then go here:

It's the yahoo album I made when I compared it to the Pioneer VSX-D912 that I replaced.


Thunder18 said:
The 9300TX has USB, 2x 27,000uf capacitors and a 15 lb. power supply. It weighs in at 44.8 lbs. For $500, I don't know how much more robust you can get. It has the same innards as the Pioneer Elite 56TXi. I know because i've had both. The only missing item is the lack of on the 9300TX. As for only having 2 component video inputs. I guess it depends on how much stuff you have. I connect the dvi output from my hd-cable box directly to the TV. My dvd player actually looks better over component and it will upconvert over component so it's connected to the receiver. My PS2 outputs component to the receiver which passes it on to the tv. My tv only has one hdmi input, but most of the newer ones have 2. I don't know if you've already purchased one, but that's something to consider. I actually downgraded tv inputs. My previous tv had 1-dvi input and 2 component video inputs. My new one only has 1 component and one hdmi and I get along just fine.

If you want to see what it really looks like and you have a yahoo account then go here:
For 500.00 to me this sounds much more like "If you want the industry leader (bang for buck)"
Over spending 1700.00 on just a receiver. How is that "bang for your buck", when you are buying the (or close to the) top model from that company. I would not think bang for your buck would be the reference line of equipment.



and like the last time they have posted 2 more :)

This seems reminiscent of the Yamaha RX-V2500's they had a few months ago. Keep listing 2-3 at a time, and once the demand slowed down, start decreasing the price.
The 1st of those went for over $500 I beleive and the last batch at about $429.
I wonder if it is worth waiting to try and save a few bucks??


Audioholic General
I happened to be one of the weasels that grabbed a 2500 at just above the low price you listed... :D

The only problem w/that thought process is you don't know when they're going to run out. I only saw the 2500 listed twice after I bought and since then, they've been non-existent... -TD


Audioholic Ninja
tomd51 said:
I happened to be one of the weasels that grabbed a 2500 at just above the low price you listed... :D

The only problem w/that thought process is you don't know when they're going to run out. I only saw the 2500 listed twice after I bought and since then, they've been non-existent... -TD
Well....I don't know if this is the ultimate truth, BUT....I just bought a new (not refurbed), warrantied RX-V2500 from an authorized dealer. He said that it's not well known, but Yamaha is still making them!! I guess Yamaha figures that it will be awhile before HDMI takes off. I also guess that they make enough money on the units to wholesale them out to dealers who can sell 'em for $529.


Senior Audioholic
For those of you that want to see what the 9300TX really looks like

Check this link.
Note that the 9300TX does not have the "Elite" logo, but it's the same piano black finish as the 56TXi


Senior Audioholic
My bad, here's the link

Thunder18 said:
Check this link.
Note that the 9300TX does not have the "Elite" logo, but it's the same piano black finish as the 56TXi

This is the best I can find. Hell, I guess I have some on my Yahoo photo you go:

I took these pictures when I bought a VSX-9300TX and compared it too the VSX-D912 that I used to have


Mine came - - This thing is quite hefty, it came in at 44.63 lbs (with my scale).


Audioholic General
Let us know what you think once you've got things set up... -TD


Yeah, I have not had the time to set it up yet... (I guess you figured that, )
But I did take some pics of the unit... (with my fingerprints)
One thing I will say, the remote is to large for my tastes.
I liked the 1015tx remote (as it fit well in hand)
If I wanted a large remote, I would go back and get another Pronto (preferably TSU-7000)
This remote is not as wide as a Pronto, but it is much longer and still has quite a bit width.

It probably would be fine for Frankenstein (or a person with that big of hands)

The AC cord is about the thickest cord I have seen come with almost any equipment...(it is certainly 12g or better wires)

The finish is as all have stated, it is closer to the Elite finish, rather than the consumer line. (much shinier)
It has a on screen display for even the frequency curve (for manual adjustment of dips) Better than the 1015tx as it just had the separate frequencies that could be changed from automatic (MCACC). As well it seems to read in the manual, that it EQs the sub as well. (I will check more into this) Also (with proper software) The EQ curve can be seen on a computer as it is hooked up through the RS232 port of the receiver.


Audioholic Warlord
This has to be the worst time to buy a receiver. Right around the corner from true 7.1

Sure, it might not take off, but its there none the less.

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
This has to be the worst time to buy a receiver. Right around the corner from true 7.1

Sure, it might not take off, but its there none the less.

Don't you mean worst time to buy a HDMI 1.1 receiver? That's the reason for buying something like this. If someone has to pick up a receiver now, or within the next several months, why spend $1300 on a unit that would be outdated in a few months? Grab something like this for $400 - $500, then upgrade in a few years. This will sell on the market very close to asking price in a few years.

Look at the Denon 3805. It's still fetching a solid dollar (over $600 B stock), and it's been out almost 2.5 years. Plus, the verdict is still out whether or not High Def players will take over standard dvd.

People may not want to rush out and buy $30 HD discs, or a $1000 Blu-ray player. Toslink and Coax still work well for digital surround sound - up to 6.1 discrete. This is an excellent AVR, that will weather out the HD storm and allow the market to cool down, and also allow pricing to come down to market pressures.

BTW, True HD and DTS HD handles up to 8 channels of discrete surround audio. :p


Audioholic Warlord
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Don't you mean worst time to buy a HDMI 1.1 receiver? That's the reason for buying something like this. If someone has to pick up a receiver now, or within the next several months, why spend $1300 on a unit that would be outdated in a few months? Grab something like this for $400 - $500, then upgrade in a few years. This will sell on the market very close to asking price in a few years.

Look at the Denon 3805. It's still fetching a solid dollar (over $600 B stock), and it's been out almost 2.5 years. Plus, the verdict is still out whether or not High Def players will take over standard dvd.

People may not want to rush out and buy $30 HD discs, or a $1000 Blu-ray player. Toslink and Coax still work well for digital surround sound - up to 6.1 discrete. This is an excellent AVR, that will weather out the HD storm and allow the market to cool down, and also allow pricing to come down to market pressures.

BTW, True HD and DTS HD handles up to 8 channels of discrete surround audio. :p
Yes, but for people like us, the latest and greatest must be had. Yep, that why I have a tube TV and a SD dvd player :rolleyes:

BTW, 7+1=8.

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
Yes, but for people like us, the latest and greatest must be had. Yep, that why I have a tube TV and a SD dvd player :rolleyes:

BTW, 7+1=8.

8 channels plus dual subs. 8+2=10


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Don't you mean worst time to buy a HDMI 1.1 receiver? That's the reason for buying something like this. If someone has to pick up a receiver now, or within the next several months, why spend $1300 on a unit that would be outdated in a few months? Grab something like this for $400 - $500, then upgrade in a few years. This will sell on the market very close to asking price in a few years.

Look at the Denon 3805. It's still fetching a solid dollar (over $600 B stock), and it's been out almost 2.5 years. Plus, the verdict is still out whether or not High Def players will take over standard dvd.

People may not want to rush out and buy $30 HD discs, or a $1000 Blu-ray player. Toslink and Coax still work well for digital surround sound - up to 6.1 discrete. This is an excellent AVR, that will weather out the HD storm and allow the market to cool down, and also allow pricing to come down to market pressures.

BTW, True HD and DTS HD handles up to 8 channels of discrete surround audio. :p
I've been eyeballing that 3805 at dakmart. I might have to buy it. It will be YEARS(5-10) till the HD mess settles.


Senior Audioholic
brian32672 said:
Yeah, I have not had the time to set it up yet... (I guess you figured that, )
But I did take some pics of the unit... (with my fingerprints)
One thing I will say, the remote is to large for my tastes.
I liked the 1015tx remote (as it fit well in hand)
If I wanted a large remote, I would go back and get another Pronto (preferably TSU-7000)
This remote is not as wide as a Pronto, but it is much longer and still has quite a bit width.

It probably would be fine for Frankenstein (or a person with that big of hands)

The AC cord is about the thickest cord I have seen come with almost any equipment...(it is certainly 12g or better wires)

The finish is as all have stated, it is closer to the Elite finish, rather than the consumer line. (much shinier)
It has a on screen display for even the frequency curve (for manual adjustment of dips) Better than the 1015tx as it just had the separate frequencies that could be changed from automatic (MCACC). As well it seems to read in the manual, that it EQs the sub as well. (I will check more into this) Also (with proper software) The EQ curve can be seen on a computer as it is hooked up through the RS232 port of the receiver.
Yes, the remote is big, but you can set it up to learn everything. I had mine controlling my TV, DVD player, PS2(used the learning function for that one from the oem PS2 remote) and cable box. I also have a remote controlled tower fan in the living room that I was able to program the command for. You can set-up a couple macros to turn all the items on and off as well. Keep a couple pairs of AA's on the charger though. It will go through them in about 6 months with normal usage, which is better than my Logitech Harmony that lights up when I enter the room. I got about 2 months on the last set in that remote.

Oh, don't lose that remote, you'd be lost without it. Plus I think it's about $170 from Pioneer to replace it. When I programmed my Harmony with it's controls it adds like 32 pages for that device so you really don't want to lose it. Just keep it in a safe place for when you need it if you go with a universal remote.

I'll tell you right now that I don't think it Eq's the sub. I believe that was something new for the 72/74TX series.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I love mine...still miss it actually. I kind of liked the blue fluorescent display.


Oh, I know..
The 1015tx remote was a learning remote as well.
Also the Pronto is also computer (set-able).
I had them both set-up for the same including DVD player, rec., Remote controlled 120" screen, TV, Projector, etc... Even for 2 rooms equipment...

But the remote is to big...
I may have to get another Pronto.
Probably this one (pictured). (I had the TSU500 and the TSU-3000)

Anyhow here are a couple quick pics..


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