Aww, the "good ole days" argument. Must've been great in the "good ole days." Everything was better; service was always wonderful, people were always nice, flowers were always in bloom, all the girls were pretty, and all the boys were captain of the basketball team. We all said, "Aw, shucks," and "Gosh darn" instead of all the four-letter words the whippersnappers nowadays use. Heck, I remember a time when you didn't have to lock your door at night, you could pick up a hitchhiker and not worry about ending up in a shallow grave, and the worst VD could be cured with penicillin

. And Sarcasm was a four-letter word

The reality is that the "good ole days" were not all that much "better" than today, just different. Yes, you could have your drugs delivered, but you didn't have the selection of drugs and cures you have today. Would I give up my Protonics (acid reflux med) for the ability to have my aspirin delivered to my door? Hell NO! Was crime and teen pregnancy all that much better in the "good ole days?" Studies have indicated that they really weren't, they just weren't talked about/reported on as much. Case in point - Autism. Diagnosis is up like a million percent in the last 20 years. Is it because more people are Autistic? Probably not. More people (especially doctors) are aware of Autism so it is diagnosed much more frequently. I'm sure there are people out there that think that beef hormones, air pollution, global warming, right-wing conservatism, or whatever is the cause for the rise in Autism, and while I can't say for sure that they are not at least a little right, I'd be surprised if it was the sole (or even primary) cause.
So, were
some things better in the "good ole days?" I'm sure they were. Should we as a society, nation, or individuals stop progressing, pursuing advancements, ordering av equipment online, etc. in a
vain attempt to preserve our past? I don't think so (though
M.Night may disagree). And while I don't think all things modern are an improvement (many aren't), those services/institutions that have value will always succeed. Those that don’t, die out. Door to door drugs may have been a convenience of the past that many miss, clearly, as a whole, society did not value it enough to continue to demand it. But, if you really want door to door drugs, there are internet companies that will provide them in 24 hours (obviously a big step down from the 2 hour turn around but at least you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home theater
