So, they're re-releasing Avatar with additional footage in theaters this month.



Senior Audioholic
Before the flaming arrows descend, let me start by saying I'm a fan of Avatar. (Spoilers Below)

I double/triple dipped on the new collectors blu-ray. After watching the theatrical release, the special re-release, the collector's extended edition, and the extra hour of deleted scenes, I've decided...

I need more sleep.

Seriously though, I think I like the pacing original release the best. None of the re-introduced footage really opened anything up for me. I like some of the additional glimpses of clan life, but there isn't much there. The extended love scene? Why was that even mentioned, they stuck their braids together for goodness sake. That was what all the hype was about?

This was not on par with the LOTR extended editions.

If you're a fan of the movie, message, etc then get the collector's edition, you're going to anyway.


Senior Audioholic
The only movie I ahve seen that had substantial extra minutes added that really added more to the story was another James Cameron movie called "Aliens" I saw the original version more times than I care to count, then the directors version came out and they added like 12 minutes to the movie and it was those 12 minutes that answered so many questions in my head. (like why Ripley took such a liking to Newt and why the aliens had to go through the roof and not the tunnels), so I am curious as to what Cameron deleted this time around so that he could add his directors version.

The movie is too stupid for me to want to sit through again, but is a demo worthy bluray for certain scenes.
That special edition of Aliens made it an entirely different movie...for the better. It was always a great action/sci-fi film, but adding the backstory for everything made it more understandable.
I thought Avatar was a good movie. Never saw it in the theater (nor any other 3d movie for that matter). If the extra time gives a little more depth to the characters (like in the ungodly long director's cuts of Lord of the Rings did) I'll borrow it from a friend, but still not gonna be heading to the theater to see it.
Why do we spend so much time and money on our own theaters if we're not gonna use 'em!


Senior Audioholic
You are correct sir, that is a negatory on the orbs.

However, if boobs are what you are looking for... there's a whole store of videos down the street that might suffice for you!


Audioholic Jedi
Apparently they are trying to quietly release the 3D BD version of Avatar while nobody is looking and are still stinging from double dipping. The 3D version releases tomorrow.


Senior Audioholic
IS the 3D version available for general purpose or is it packaged along with a new TV purchase?


Audioholic Spartan
You are wanting to look at blue cartoon breasts? Why?
Real, fake, CG, cartoon, whatever, boobs are awesome. Hopefully the special features will show how they had to "Mo-Cap" Zoe's boobs for complete realism.


Audioholic Jedi
IS the 3D version available for general purpose or is it packaged along with a new TV purchase?
I looked it up and it does in fact say that it is exclusive bundled with Panasonic 3D TVs only at this time.

Real, fake, CG, cartoon, whatever, boobs are awesome. Hopefully the special features will show how they had to "Mo-Cap" Zoe's boobs for complete realism.


The individual release of the 3D version supposedly won't happen for about a year. I've heard that panasonic has a 1 year exclusive with it.


Audioholic Chief
Just FYI, for those looking for the blue people porn...there is "This Aint Avatar XXX 3D.".

..can't say if it's good or not...but if it was 2D that'd be pretty funny to play on one of those mini-van TVs that hang down. People would be driving by being like 'awww...the kids are watching avatar" then they get a little closer bwahahha. Sorry, sick humor.

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