Ok, so I made a post about a week ago about changing out my system and upgrading/shuffling things around. A couple days ago I inherited more Cambridge Soundworks stuff in the form of two surrounds. Granted, I know they're not the best in the world but my parents had them and free is free. So yesterday I went out and bought a center channel. I ended up with a Def Tech Pro cinema 1000 since my room is small and I wanted a more compact speaker. I haven't hooked up the surrounds yet, just the center, but one thing I noticed is that at equal volume levels from when I was listening to just my two tower speakers, the sound now is actually not as loud as it was. I'm finding that I have to crank up the volume more. I'm getting a new receiver in the next couple days and hoping that it's just my older receiver being less efficient or cool with power delivery, but I was wondering if you guys could give me an explanation of why after hooking up an additional speaker my system isn't as loud as it used to be.