Oh, that's good. This could last days.
1) I don't see how plasma is better than LCD. Sure some plasmas look great, but most of the plasma TVs I've seen look worse than LCDs. And how long are plasmas suppose to last now?
2) I would pick Denon over Yamaha, but separates are way better

The Clarity. The neutrality. The imaging. The headroom. The extension. Right.
3) Now Blu-ray vs HD DVD is HOT. I know people who own just one format, and I see them pray that their format wins like it's really a big deal

I hear Roger Ebert saying that he won't buy either format until the HD war is over. I'm thinking, doesn't this guy have cancer? What is he waiting for? Isn't he like a millionaire? You can get HD DVD for like $200 now and Blu-ray for $500. With a 12% Best Buy coupon, that's $440. If I can't afford blu-ray, I would get the HD DVD for $200. Enjoy it now, Roger Ebert! That way you can watch Heroes Season 1 on HD DVD and say to yourself, "Man the writer of Heroes is a total idiot! I can't believe I'm watching this show! It makes no sense. Idiots I tell you!"
4) Monster Cables look ugly. They need to add more vibrant color.