Thanks. All the suggestions so far have been for bands from the same era as Styx, which I therefore know about already. I was wondering if there were recent bands along those lines.
Okie Dokie...
Hows about some...
Better Than Ezra
Blue October
The Bravery
Eddie Vedder
Scott Weiland
Finger Eleven
Fuel (earlier stuff)
Good Charlotte (Some of it you may like)
The Shepherds Dog
Jimmy Eat World
Modest Mouse
The Used
Nirvana (already mentioned)
Our Lady Peace
Queens of the stoneage (this might be a stretch)
Rogue Wave
Scott Weiland
Silversun Pickups
Sister Hazel
Snow Patrol
Stone Temple Pilots
Trapt (again, kind of a stretch but a few tracks fall in this category I think)
30 Seconds to mars (some earlier tracks, they are much harder now)
I have almost 700GB of music in my itunes folder and these are the ones i would most compare to the likes of styx, foreigner, kansas, steppenwolf, heart, tesla, three dog night, meatloaf, journey, skynyrd, jefferson airplane, Blue oyster cult, don henley, allman bros, Rare Earth, bread, CCR, zep, eagles, and the list goes on and on. I've found that the musicianship was leaps and bounds more creative and had much more depth in the classic stuff. But being a 25 year old guy i still prefer the newer sounds and dynamics of modern rock.
This should stir up some controversy