There was a time...
...when components all had brushed aluminum faceplates with engraved markings (not painted) and real, positive contact switches whose position you could identify from a distance...nice VU meters and real wood cases, either as a matter of course or as an option...
When rackmounted gear started to infiltrate the home end of the business (mid to late 70s), black with the silkscreened white markings, LEDs, momentary contact switches all made their appearance...the better stuff, like SAE, looked professional and were built to far better standards than the current crop...Painting things black allows for shabby workmanship and lesser materials; when you have a clearcoat, anodized or brushed finish you have a higher rejection rate and it requires much more painstaking craftsmanship...this all equates to higher, much like the ubiquitous IEC connectors and the like it's simply a manufacturing economy...
jimHJJ( guys don't know what you missed...)